FGC:Episode 08 Cut 124

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Asuka speaks angrily, pointing. She is kind of a bad-tempered person.

ASUKA:“You're coming too!”

Line: This Asuka pointing finger moment, many memes will be born because of it. Thank you Eva!

Kendrix: The script is dissing her so much I’m starting to feel sorry for her.

Here we start to see that though she acts like she doesn’t care what anyone thinks & puts them down etc. she actually wants their praise, hence she is dragging her rival along to make him acknowledge her superiority.Of course making yourself dependent on what others think to the point of engineering situations to getting specific reactions out of specific people is a trap because you cannot control those. We are social beings & wanting some praise & love is normal, but it might not come from the one specific person that you wanted or in the way that you imagined it.

A pretty impulsive decision that Ritsuko probably wouldn’t have okayed if she were there seeing as it might cause interference, though it did sorta work out in the end.