FGC:Episode 08 Cut 079

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Kaji and Asuka on a port side walkway on the outside of the ship. Asuka is playing around on the railing.

KAJI:“What do you think of Shinji Ikari?”

ASUKA:“He's a boring kid. To think that that's the chosen Third Child. I'm disappointed.”

KAJI:“And yet, in a real combat, without preparation, his sync ratio easily exceeded forty percent.”

WOMAN (ANNOUNCEMENT):“5th Squadron has departed. They are expected to return on schedule.”

Line: Oooh beware Asuka, to not fall off the railing!

Javi2541997: She is always showing off something. This time she is making physical exercise in the bars while speaking with Kaji.

Kendrix: There are many scenes that casually show her to be very fit (as expected of someone who had military training), she will often do kicks and jumps and quick impulsive movements without effort. For all that she superficially acts more ‘normal’, we can’t really forget that she had a very un-normal upbringing. This helps to create a sense of fearsomeness or dominance about her especially for the characters her own age, but it goes beyond that to a basic sense of being very at home in her physicality – she gestures a lot, she points, she takes action quickly, moving bold & decisive with little reluctance, in a way that Shinji & Rei very much don’t, as both have more in-your-head, in-their-own-world sort of personality types, probably with a tendency to tune out both the world and certain parts of their internal processes & being more disconnected from their instincts and wants.