Kensuke directs his camera all around in a state of excitement.
KENSUKE (OFF):“(Adlib. In any case he is offering praise.)”
The deck crew are smiling in disbelief.
Javi2541997: The only kid who really enjoys the scene is Kensuke. I wonder why he never got a chance in an Eva.
UrsusArctos: As events transpire, Kensuke not being in an Eva might be a very good thing. The script asks for the voice actor to ad-lib, so Kensuke's over-the-top "Sugoi! Sugoi! Sugoi!" is all Tetsuya Iwanaga's idea, and it fits the scene and Kensuke's character perfectly.
Kendrix: Let's appreciate the one black soldier in the background. As in ep 17 Shinji doesn't quite share the enthusiasm of his friends. He sort of had to be more serious living mostly on his own with only adults & no family to be silly around. Note also the explanation for Misato's expression.
Toji's hat is carried off by the wind. Toji chases after it.