FGC:Episode 08 Cut 007

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Toji leans forward, pushing Shinji aside.

TOJI:“(Leaning forward) Eh! So today is a real date with Misato-san?
I bought this cap just for today! Misato-san!”

SHINJI:“So, where are we going?”

Line: This whole sequence feels so good every time I watch it! I mean it's so good to see them out of their usual town, taking an apparently carefree airplane trip~~ This whole episode felt heartfelt for the introduction of such a tragic character, honestly.

Kendrix: Very much "putting on a show for the kids". Though the fact that Shinji either thought to bring them, or that Misato saw enough of them to think of bringing them also helps to establish a sense of how their friendship has progressed, as well as how Shinji himself has complete the transformation from his prologue arc self. Misato must be wanting to help Shinji keep the new friendos.