Theory and Analysis:Kaworu in Eva 3.0

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Kaworu Nagisa is very prominent in Evangelion 3.0, easily his most significant appearance in any Evangelion work in the history of the franchise. He has a crucial role in the movie, serving as the main catalyst for Shinji's own actions in the movie, as he provides explanations for the state of the world to Shinji, provides him a new hope in the form of his plan to pull the Spears, and his death also drives Shinji to a state of despondency similar to the one he was in at the beginning of End of Evangelion after Kaworu's own death in Episode 24 in the original series.

However, despite him being presented as seemingly an all-good character whose only preoccupation, as he states, is Shinji's happiness, further examination of the story as well as relating it to grander thematic motiffs elsewhere in the movies brings into question just what Kaworu means by that, Kaworu's questionable methods and interpretation of Shinji himself, including manipulation of Shinji that seems to be far more extensive and deliberate than anything he did in the original series, brought into question by multiple inconsistencies in Kaworu's lines and actions, both in relation to evidence present in the movie and other character's statements, particularly when Shinji, as a surrogate of the audience, is not present. It is possible Kaworu, in pursuit of Shinji's supposed happiness - according to Kaworu himself, has his goals much more aligned with Seele this time around, and is somehow working to make Instrumentality happen. This article seeks to present and examine this evidence.

Thematic significance and build-up

Links to SEELE

Half Truths


Kaworu's motives

Future involvement

Notes and References

This article was mostly built out of the following forum thread, please refer to it:

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