FGC:Episode 06 Cut 221

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


A tournament-style graph, one row changes to red at once.

SE <<Beep>>

thewayneiac: What on Earth is a "tournament-style graph"?

Jayfive: I think it means like kinda like this. In the case of that shot, the energy from various places (i.e. all over japan) are being channeled down to one place (i.e. Shinji's BFG 9000)

Mr. Tines: One of these.

Azathoth: It looks like a tournament bracket. Not sure what it's supposed to represent, possibly how the power relay system works - (if Rebuild has a corresponding cut it might help here).

Trajan: It's in the brackets: each leg would have a competitor / team on it, the winner would then move onto the next bracket to face the winner of another bracket and so on until there's only one left. The graph here is slightly similar to such a "tournament style graph"

thewayneiac: Let's just say I have to squint really hard to see tournament brackets there. I wouldn't have noticed on my own if the script hadn't told me so.