FGC:Episode 02 Cut 071

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

A decisive Misato looks at Shinji.

Shinji:“"Anywhere is fine."”

Shin-seiki: (070~071) Shinji may be "fine with being alone", but Misato most definitely is not; here is where she gets the idea for what Ritsuko later sarcastically refers to as "your nice 'family' game". Do I need to point out that Misato, Shinji, Asuka, and even Pen2, are all, in a sense, orphans? Though there are practical advantages to having Shinji, and later Asuka, live with her, in that she can keep an eye on her pilots and try to see to their social and psychological needs, it should be obvious that this is basically about Misato trying to assuage her own loneliness…

OMF: She may be also trying to sooth her guilty conscience. She was one of the people who has forced him into such awful circumstances, and worse, she personally delivered him to Gendo. Responsibility is weighing heavily on her.