FGC:Episode 03 Cut 296

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The charge halted, her body stretches out.

SE <<Sound of creaking metal and straining muscle>>

Reichu: …Does straining muscle make a sound?

Soluzar: Duh! It makes the sound of straining muscle, can't you read? ;)

Reichu: Smartass. ::P

Hexon.Arq: When it's as big as her neck, it sure does. It sounds a lot like a really thick rope being pulled and swayed really hard, then slowed down. Go to a dock and see.

Reichu: By that logic, shouldn't we be able to hear her every movement? Seems like they only throw in SE when it suits them.

HeWhoPostsStuff: Now who'd a thunk that Gainax would ever do something like that? :P

Reichu: Well… Perhaps, in this case, it's a blessing. It brings to mind robots (or other mechanical or semi-mechanical constructs) whose every movement is accompanied by the sound of … whatever the relevant parts are called; I personally find this quite annoying. (Coldstone of Gargoyles is one of the guilty.)

OMF: Now might be a good time to mention that, in a creature the size of Eva, not only would the muscles make straining noises, they'd also generate massive amounts of heat due to the incredible internal friction. It's a miracle the Eva's insides don't melt during extreme combat. Maybe they're equppied with heat sinks a la Battletech?

Reichu: Well, keep in mind that the Evas are not exactly made out of matter as we know it. Maybe Angel Stuff responds differently to heat. Perhaps a better question would be why the pilots are not boiled alive without the aid of Ramiel's Heat Ray of Death?