FGC:Episode 03 Cut 263

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Woman 2:“"Damage to the epithelium of both palms. Fifth degree burns."”

The Command Center is tense. Misato and Ritsuko glare at each other. All is silent save for Ibuki's voice.

Ibuki (OFF):“"EVA-01's remaining activation time, 3 minutes."”

Man:“"Discharge rate of electromagnetic waves, 0.7% and rising."”

Misato faces the front and speaks to Hyuga.

Misato:“"Hold Eva on the current commands and eject the entry plug. Hurry."”

Woman 2:“"Damage to the epithelium of both palms. Seventh degree burns."”

Woman:“"Negative gravitons have amplified to 1280."”

Reichu: It's interesting to note that all of the prior translations treat Misato's dialogue as if she is speaking to Shinji. Ah, script comments are a wonderful thing to have.

Despite the way Misato and Ritsuko act buddy-buddy most of the time, there is some very substantial friction between them where work-related matters are concerned. The polarization between Ritsuko's cold professionalism and Misato's concern for human welfare is only exacurbated as the series goes on and Nerv's personnel find themselves in increasingly trying circumstances.