FGC:Episode 02 Cut 068

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Beyond the glass, a pond in the center of Nerv Headquarters. An escalator is in the foreground.

SE <<>>

Ritsuko (OFF):“"They don't want to live together?"”

Fuyutsuki (OFF):“"I think that living apart is natural for Ikari and his son."”

Ritsuko (OFF):“"And being together is unnatural… is it?"”

thewayneiac: Elevator...escalator...elevator...escalator.

OMF: Ritsuko is curious about the relationship between Shinji and Gendo, but the fact that she asks Fuyutsuki — who seems to know a lot more about the subject — may be an indication that the topic of Shinji is taboo around Gendo. And/or that Ritsuko doesn't really have much of a relationship with Gendo outside of the bedroom.

Hexon.Arq: I'm curious to see what this escalator looks like from the side. I can't recall ever seeing the escalators from any other perspective other than from straight on. For the steps to possess that much length, there must be a hell of a structure under there.