FGC:Episode 04 Cut 107

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Shinji glances over at Misato when he speaks, then again removes his gaze.

Shinji:“"I understand, of course. That's enough, isn't it? We won, didn't we?"”

Mr. Tines: Shinji makes fleeting and at best partial eye contact

thewayneiac: ("We won, didn't we?") Shinji's got a good point here. Maybe she should trust the pilot's judgment. After all, he was in the battle; she was safe in a bunker.

Sharp-kun: Not at all. The "as long as I win, it's okay" attitude is one that could cause serious problems. What if he ends up disobeying orders a second time believing he's right, and people are killed by mistake?

thewayneiac: That's assuming that a "Washington General" has a better grasp of the situation than a "Field General".

OMF: "The end justifies the means." Shinji thinks his only purpose now is to destroy angels, so what does it matter if he doesn't do it by the book. The only thing they can do is complain.