Theory and Analysis Talk:Eva-00's Soul

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I'd prefer not having full Eva designations in page titles if possible. Partially because they include that awful "U" word, but mostly because writing all of that out gets awfully annoying. Here, something like, "The Soul of EVA-00" seems nice and succinct. (I like "of" better than "in".)

Also, should these sorts of pages have their own namespace? Part of me thinks it would be A Good Idea. --Reichu 18:19, 10 August 2007 (EDT)

As it is, "The Soul in Evangelion Unit-00" falls under "T" for "The". This can't be right, so would "Evangelion Unit-00's Soul" (or something similar) be better? This isn't anything to worry about now with just a handful of articles, but it may be rather confusing when more are added. --Eva Yojimbo 10:36, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

moved from forum...


While it is gratifying to see that you have conceded that the evidence strongly favors Rei 1 over Naoko, I still have some serious reservations with how you have presented the pro and cons of this issue; namely that you a: have omitted mentioning some of the strongest evidence favoring Rei 1, and b: have conceded too much (even while admitting that it almost certainly wrong) to the Naoko heresy, which I contend is entirely bogus and baseless.

I'm not sure how best to deal with this; if I had written this analysis myself, I would have gone about it quite differently (i.e., my starting assumption would be that all the real evidence points to Rei 1, while the pro-Naoko "case" comes down to a faulty assumption (that Unit-00 may have been after Gendo and/or Rei, when, in fact, the actual target of its tantrums was Ritsuko, and Ritsuko alone). I don't know whether editing your analysis could salvage it to my satisfaction, or should I just write my own presentation on Unit-00's soul (would competing analyses of the same issue in the 'Theories and Analysis' section be an acceptable option?)--Shin-seiki 08:29, 6 October 2007 (PDT)

Can't say much about the "B" pro-Naoko stuff; it won't be removed. Just giving as thorough a run through of the pre-Naoko side as possible, before then deconstructing it thoroughly. Just explaining "this is what the Naoko theory says" does not mean "conceding" to it, if the "counterarguement" part then lists how most of these points are refuted. As for "A"; please, what are the "ommitted mentionings of the strongest evidence favoring Rei 1" that wasn't listed? I'd like to put it in there if there is something I missed. --V 17:47, 6 October 2007 (PDT)
One thing that I noticed that was left out (don't know if this is what Shin-seiki is referring to) is during the cross sync test in ep14, Asuka raises a fuss about not taking part in the experiment, Misato appeases her by saying she wouldn't want anyone using Eva-02 anyways, but then to herself, Misato says that Eva-02 wouldn't work anyways. Not sure what she meant by this exactly, but I'd always thought that it was because neither Shinji nor Rei would be compatible with Kyoko. Since Rei is a special case, we're left with Shinji. If Shinji isn't able to sync with Kyoko, why would he be able to sync with Naoko?

Also, it may be worth noting that some of the people who still cling to the Naoko in Eva-00 idea have such a unique interpretation of the events in the series, that there's no chance of any mutual agreement about nearly everything discussed about the show. I remember some member on EMF and I had a super long debate about this, and every point that I make is countered with a "I don't think that's how it worked", also, refusing to acknowledge any source that isn't the show itself doesn't help. --Ornette 18:53, 6 October 2007 (PDT)
I did consider that it my (stalled) analysis of episode 14 itself: the problem I ran into was: Misato doesn't know Evas have souls; I speculate that they just divided internal monologues up between Misato and Ritsuko; otherwise, as Ritsuko is generally the only one "in the know", it would have amounted to LONG stretches of solely Ritsuko-dialogue. They make the point that Asuka might not work in another Eva....but Shinji works ok in hers, and they delivered it fairly sloppy. --V 19:00, 6 October 2007 (PDT)