FGC:Episode 19 Cut 062

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Hospital room. Bed from the angle of his feet. Hikari and Touji.

HIKARI:“It’s okay. Don’t worry about that. But, I’m sorry. They said I cannot bring you a lunch here.”

TOJI:“(looking at the window) Class representative.”

Hikari shyly glances away while talking to Touji.


TOJI:“Can I entrust you with something?”


TOJI:“Can you tell my sister there’s nothing wrong with me?”


UrsusArctos: Toji is the best elder brother a little sister could want, putting her needs above his even when he's missing a leg. At first we weren't clear if he was missing his left arm too, but a deleted scene from from End of Evangelion would have shown Toji playing wheelchair basketball with Kensuke, using both arms.