FGC:Episode 26 Cut 242A

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

YUI:“Oh, that Shinji.

Asuka's being so nice, coming to get him. He's just hopeless.”

IKARI:“Yes, Dear.”

YUI:“You too! Stop burying your nose in that newspaper and get ready to go.”

IKARI:“Yes, Dear.”

YUI:“Honestly, a grown man and you're no different than Shinji.”

IKARI:“Are you all ready to go?”

YUI:“Yes, any time! I'm the one who gets scolded by Professor Fuyutsuki when we're late to meetings, you know.”

IKARI:“You're just that popular.”

YUI:“Don't be silly! Please hurry up and get dressed!”

IKARI:“Yes, Dear.”

UrsusArctos: Sounds like Fuyutsuki, not Gendo, is the one calling the shots here. Gendo's snark about Yui being popular does seem seriously out of character, but the blunt "Yes, Dear" responses fit perfectly. This really does seem like what marital life would have been like between Gendo and Yui, had they had anything like a normal married existence.