FGC:Episode 04 Cut 093

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Rei being analyzed. Marks light up at the checkpoints. It scrolls and changes direction.

Ritsuko (OFF):“But we have no choice but to entrust the piloting of the Evas to fourteen year old children.”

Sharp-kun: An early hint on the nature of the relationship between the Evas and their pilots.

OMF: I don't think it's ever actually explicitly stated in the show exactly why only 14-year-old children are the only ones that can pilot Eva. I guess the anime-watching public have become so numb to the unbreakable law that only teenagers can pilot "giant battle machines" that the director didn't ever feel the need to give some hackneyed explanation.

Reichu: Well, first off, it's not as if it's even a law in NGE. :cough:Rei:cough: There have been some theories as to the possible TECHNICAL significance of the children's ages, which we'll deal with later. There certainly is a thematic significance to it.

Also, Nerv's optics here don't seem much more advanced that what Kensuke was using last episode.

Mr. Tines: Much more detailed and we'd be into Ghost in the Shell-style service territory.

Hexon.arq: Hmm, I never quite noticed the colors before. It brings to mind a description of the Angels' physical properties in the following episode.

Reichu: Fufufu. All in good time…