FGC:Episode 02 Cut 030

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

A:“Now, the rest of this meeting concerns only the committee.”

B:“Ikari-kun, your presence here was appreciated.”

The committeemen all vanish, along with the light on the floor. Only Keel and Ikari remain.

Keel:“Ikari. There is no turning back.”

Keel vanishes, as well.

Ikari:“——— I know.”

thewayneiac: Hey, magic!

Reichu: Or, rather, more of that lovely holographic technology that we first saw in the Command Room. In a sense, this usage of the technology is more impressive: It is able to generate creepy committee men that are indistinguishable from the real thing (aside from being tinted, but that was done on purpose). Apparently real-time translation technology has been developed, as well — or perhaps the fact that they all speak Japanese can simply be attributed to the Magic of Fiction.

OMF: Keel's little informal parting here indicates that he may be closer to Gendo than the other members. (We'll see another private aside of theirs in #21', as well.) Gendo's good standing with Keel might go a ways towards explaining why the committee tolerates his actions later.