FGC:Episode 04 Cut 083

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary



OMF: Given that a lot of the earths arable land is now underwater, perhaps these mountains have been terraced to provide more space for tillage.

Reichu: Stealing some info from japan-guide.com:

Owakudani is the area around a crater created in the last eruption of Mt. Hakone 3000 years ago. Sulfurous fumes, hot springs and hot rivers can be experienced on a walk in the area. Eggs boiled in the hot springs are said to prolong one's life by seven years and are readily available for sale.

Soluzar: Is there a "Spring of Drowned Girl"?

Reichu: How about a "Spring of Drowned Penguin"? :D

Soluzar: Also, is that seven years per egg, 'cause if it is, I have got to get me some of those!!!