Guides:Evangelion 1.01 vs. Evangelion 1.11

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Evangelion 1.11 is the second DVD release of the theatrical version of Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone and includes several added scenes. This article lists the modifications made between the 1.01 DVD release and the 1.11 DVD/BD release.

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Cut 1.01 1.11 Comments
098A Car train door closing.
x127A Misato and Shinji in car train. Misato says, "It's the same with me." (Card now lying on dashboard.)
135 Elevator opening to reveal Ritsuko.
136 "Ara, Ritsuko."
137 Ritsuko steps in elevator.
138 "Why you wasting my time, Katsuragi?"
139 "Gomen!"
140 "sigh"
141 "Pleased to meet you."
142 "Uh, hai."
145 "Take care of things here, Fuyutsuki."
146' "It's been three years..."
169 Shinji, Eva-01, and Gendo in his box. "You just want me to get into this thing and go out there and fight?"
172 Repetition of 169.
174B And again.
x179 Shinji in front of Eva's eye. (Shinji is closer to the camera; Eva-01 is the same.)
x187 Shinji develops shadow brow. (Shinji and Misato repositioned. Background altered; Nerv logo changed to old version.)
197B Flash of young Shinji crying.
x231 Eva-01's entry plug getting inserted (top view). (Plug now has "EVA-01" written on it instead of "EVA". The exposed part of the spinal implant looks different.)
306 Acid trip Shinji closeup. (After arm gets broken)
310 Zoom in on Shinji's left eye.
315 Ritsuko: "The armor won't hold much longer!"
343 Ritsuko: "Berserker?!?"
367 Misato: "zomg it broke through that ATF so easily!"
373 Eva-01 lurching forward (right before ripping off Sachi's arms).
401 Misato: "...hontou no sugata!"
001A Red bubbly stuff right before the "Ikari? Ayanami?" train scene.
406 Creepy deformed Rei.
410 Shinji sitting in hospital bed, from above.
428 HIP report.
433 Shinji turning away from hopsital window.
437 Shinji staring at Rei, then looking down.
439 Side view of aircraft at Sachiel's suicide site.
455 Shinji staring up at Daddy.
457 Father and Son having a staring contest.
463 Panoramic floor.
520 Misato chugging beer.
522 Misato plops her beer down and gives us a molar closeup.
524 Misato happy face.
526 Again.
536 She's going for his cranium!
596 Through-the-window view of Toji slugging Shinji again.
620 "Center the target, pull the trigger..."
629 Shinji's feet, with garbage.
651 Shinji lying on ground, with Rei's feet.
x713 Shamshel rearing up. (Now with halo.)
722 Shinji closeup, before dashing out against Shammy.
723 Eva-01 emerging with gatling gun.
726A Shinji all "grrrr!" while firing at Shammy.
726B Closeup of Shinji's trigger finger.
736 Shamshel completely obscured by smoke.
742 Spare rifle being revealed.
747 Shinji looking up in horror at the tentacle demon.
748 Eva-01 and Shamshel.
749 Closeup of Shinji.
759 Shinji's "oh shit" face after losing the cable.
769 Eva-01 sinking behind the jinja.
770 Shinji strains back up.
771 Shinji looks down at the surprise between 01's fingers.
773 Toji and Kensuke stir from between 01's fingers.
774 Toji and Kensuke looking up at 01 all teary-eyed.
786 Toji: "Why doesn't he fight?"
787 Kensuke: "He can't move because of us!"
797 Eva-01's plug ejecting.
798 Kensuke and Toji, with Misato telling them to get into the plug.
818 Shinji screaming like a freak after entry plug interior turns red.
819 Closeup of Eva-01's foot, kicking off to deal final blow to Shammy.
858 After Eva-01 powers down, Toji and Kensuke watching Shinji in silence.
897 Shinji on the train, as passengers come and go
908 Misato looking into Shinji's abandoned room, thinking about what a baka he is.
976 Eva-00 from top, starting to resist restraints.
980 Eva-00 from top, breaking out of restraints.
982 Eva-00 from the side, convulsing and grabbing her head (before having power jettisoned).
996 Gendo dramatically shouting "Rei!"
1001 Eva-00 backing off from the window.
1009 Gendo running to 00's entry plug.
1010 Gendo grabbing the device to open hatch of plug.
1013 Gendo opening hatch of 00's plug.
1015 00 plug with LCL oozing out.
1040 Closeup of Shinji's eyes (after he watches Rei during gym).
1044 Shinji watching Rei from inside the plug.
1047 Closeup of 1044.
1079 Shinji ringing Rei's doorbell.
1081 Again.
1096 Shinji with glasses on, turning to look at teh Rei.
1120 Shinji jumping up after realizing where his hand has been.
x1166 Ramiel approaching Tokyo-3. (Now with halo.)
1180 Misato telling Shinji to dodge.
1188 Warning screen while Eva-01 is getting fried (right after closeup of 01's face).
1206 Warning screen while Eva-01 is getting fried (right after closeup of 01's chest).
1240 Entry plug being pulled out of fried Eva-01. (top view)
1292 People at airport. (While Operation Yashima is being announced.)
1346 Shinji and Rei in the hospital. ("We leave in 90 minutes" --> "Then stay here and rest.")
1503A Crap with wires and sparks, right after the pan of Eva-01 on the shooting range.
1504 Monitor with power connections ("No problems in Stage Four power connection."), right before Misato shouts, "Disable final safety device!"
x1641 Ramiel collapsing. (Now with rainbow.)
1658 Shinji opening the hatch of Rei's plug
1683-1718 New cuts
x Eyecatch (1.01 to 1.11)