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Compare and contrast both the visual and audio changes between Rebirth and Episode 25' (Air). The screenshots for the visual changes come from Renewal because of the higher quality. There are many minor visual differences between Rebirth and Episode 25' that are not included here. These include minor differences in cut timing, stills timing, color saturation, panning speed, and transfer differences between the theatrical release (Rebirth) and the DVD release (Episode 25'). There are also many minor audio differences which are caused by the entire audio track being redone for Episode 25'.

Visual Comparison

Asuka's Hospital Monitoring Device
Rebirth (00:00:58), Air (00:02:26) and Rebirth (00:01:43), Air (00:03:17)

  • The Rebirth graph moves faster than the one in AIR

Opening Eyecatch
Rebirth (00:02:01), Air (00:03:29)

  • After the scene with Shinji in Asuka's hospital room, there is an opening eyecatch. In Rebirth, it starts with a red EVANGELION written vertically then cuts to a white :REBIRTH written horizontally. In Episode 25', there is only a white box in the center with Air written inside and a number 25.

The Magi Colors
Rebirth (00:07:58), Air (00:09:53)

  • When the Magi have been saved by Ritsuko, the colors of the Magi on the display are different
  • Note that in both Rebirth and Episode 25', the display first says Code: 672, then Code: 666

The Tanks
Rebirth (00:09:03), Air (00:10:58)
"Click to view animation" "Click to view animation"

  • In Rebirth, there are 2 tanks that are moving, their turrets turn consecutively, and fire 2 shots
  • In Episode 25', there are 3 tanks that are stationary, their turrets turn in sync, and fire 3 shots
  • The physical design of the tanks are different as well as the foreground trees and guard rail

Command Deck Panning
Rebirth (00:09:17), Air (00:11:14)

  • The panning from left to right of the Command Deck after the loss of observation posts occur faster in Episode 25' than in Rebirth

Rei Floating in LCL
Rebirth (00:11:03), Air (00:13:01)

  • After Misato discovers that Rei is missing and orders Aoba to find her, there is a cut of Rei floating in a large cylinder of LCL with writing around the inside. This cut pans upwards and lasts about a second or two longer in Episode 25' than in Rebirth
  • After the cut panning upwards, there is a stationary shot from above at an angle of Rei, naked, floating with her school uniform folded neatly to the side. In Episode 25', this stationary shot lasts for 10 seconds whereas in Rebirth it lasts less than 3

Misato's Worried about Shinji
Rebirth (00:11:26), Air (Cut Missing, would have been at 00:13:31)

  • Immediately following the black and white camera footage of Shinji under the steps with his head down, Rebirth cuts to the command deck where there is a Misato looking very worried standing next to Hyuga, who's sitting down. This cut is missing in Episode 25', which immediately cuts to the close-up of Misato looking very worried.

"Say Hi to Yui-kun for me"
Rebirth (00:11:52), Air (00:13:58)

  • After Gendo tells Fuyutsuki to take care of the rest, it cuts to Fuyutsuki standing and he says "Say Hi to Yui-kun for me" to Gendo. The shot of him standing lasts a little over a second longer in Episode 25'

Nowhere to run
Rebirth (00:12:08), Air (00:14:13)

  • Following the cut of several hovering aircraft descending is a shot from the inside of a tube. One of the hovering aircraft stops outside it, then shines a light inside revealing the Nerv personnel hiding inside. The length of time before the hovering aircraft stops outside of the tube is a little over a second longer in Episode 25'

Bakelite time
Rebirth (00:13:10), Air (00:15:15)

  • The streams of bakelite that Misato orders to be injected into all routes and pipes up to section 803 are different between Episode 25' and Rebirth
  • Rebirth has the bakelite shaded differently

The Wave and the Dead People
Rebirth (00:13:12), Air (00:15:21)

  • Immediately following the bakelite injection cut, Episode 25' cuts to the shot of dead Nerv personnel on a staircase being covered with LCL, Rebirth cuts to a shot of bakelite filling a corridor
  • Immediately following the shot of bakelite filling the corridor in Rebirth, it cuts to the shot of dead Nerv personnel on a staircase being covered with LCL. Episode 25' has these 2 shots reversed
  • After the cut of the dead Nerv personnel on a staircase being covered with LCL, Episode 25' cuts to the shot with bakelite filling a corridor. However, unlike the same cut in Rebirth, there is a wave of bakelite that rolls down the corridor
  • Rebirth has the bakelite shaded differently

Rebirth (00:13:47 and 00:19:54), Air (00:15:54 and 00:22:10)

  • Following the cut with Misato cocking her gun and about to leave to look for Shinji, and a short cut of a JSSDF aircraft firing missiles, we see a scene of 2 JSSDF commanders observing the battle from afar. The foreground flora is different as well as in Episode 25' the radar dish in the foreground is out of focus
  • During this scene, there are explosions near the crater in Tokyo-3, these explosions appear white in Rebirth but yellow in Episode 25'
  • This cut also appears again after a short break in the fighting and before we see Asuka at the bottom of the lake

Rebirth (Cut missing, would be at 00:14:41), Air (00:16:48)

  • The eye catch is missing from Rebirth

Rebirth (00:14:57), Air (00:17:07)

  • Following the cut where we see Rei facing the camera and Gendo calls for her. She first looks to the left then the shot cuts to behind her and she turns her head to the right to face Gendo. The cut of her turning her head is slower in Episode 25' and takes almost 2 seconds longer

Misato takes out the 3 soldiers
Rebirth (00:15:48), Air (00:18:04)

  • The sequence starting from Misato shooting the first soldier, running toward the other 2, the other 2 turn to look at her, she's running toward them and firing, they fire back, Misato is still running toward them, another soldier is taken down, she kicks the last one and pins him against the wall, shoots him, then observes her handywork. This entire sequence takes about 5 or 6 seconds longer in Episode 25', most noticeably the cut where we see her from behind, breathing heavily, with dead soldier at her feet and Shinji cowering in the foreground

What's up with pink explosions?
Rebirth (00:17:41), Air (00:19:57)

  • The initial flash of the aerial view of the N2 explosion appears pink in Rebirth but white in Episode 25'
  • Although this flash only lasts for a few frames, there is a smaller initial flash that lasts for one frame and it is pink in both Rebirth and Episode 25'

Nerv Pyramid
Rebirth (00:17:50), Air (00:20:06)

  • After the N2 explosion breaches the geofront and the shockwave hits the Nerv pyramid, there are sparks seen in Episode 25' whereas Rebirth has none
  • The background of the incoming shockwave is also pink in Rebirth, compared to the more white color of Episode 25'

Random Explosion
Rebirth (00:17:52), Air (00:20:08)

  • The cut right after the shockwave hits the Nerv pyramid cuts to something that looks like a bridge. In Episode 25' we see an explosion whereas in Rebirth we do not

The Rain of Missiles
Rebirth (00:18:07), Air (00:20:23)

  • The lighting effects are different when the rain of missiles fall into the geofront
  • In Rebirth, there is a ring of bright white spots along the bottom of the large white ring

What explosions?
Rebirth (00:20:05), Air (00:22:20)

  • The scene where we first see Asuka in the fetal position inside Evangelion Unit-02 at the bottom of the lake, with a close-up of her face. Although we don't hear any explosions, in Rebirth, the camera shakes periodically as if there were explosions (depth charges)
  • After Asuka opens her eyes the camera pans out a little so that we can see her entire body. In Episode 25' this shot lasts for about 2 seconds longer

Rebirth (Cut missing, would be at 00:21:47), Air (00:24:11)

  • Right before Evangelion Unit-02 reactivates, Asuka discovers that her mother is inside the Eva. This is a series of cuts showing Kyoko as a sketch, then Asuka as a child in the woods, then Kyoko as a sketch again. In Rebirth, the cut after this is of Eva-02 awakening, however, in Episode 25', there is an added cut of Asuka's child hand reaching out into a bright light where Kyoko's hand appears. She takes Asuka's hand in hers and Asuka's child hand turns into her hand in her plugsuit. This cut is missing in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:21:58), Air (00:24:28)

  • After the cross-shaped explosion, Evangelion Unit-02 lifts the Nerv frigate in the lake out of the water. This cut in Rebirth lasts a little over a second longer

No Buildings
Rebirth (00:22:06), Air (00:24:35)

  • After Evangelion Unit-02 lifts the Nerv frigate in the lake out of the water, it cuts to a far away view of the Eva and the ship. In Rebirth, the background lacks the buildings seen in Episode 25' and in the foreground, Rebirth shows trees whereas in Episode 25', we see a landing of some sort and a guard rail
  • There are also small design changes with the Nerv frigate

The Ship Throw
Rebirth (00:22:18), Air (00:24:48)

  • When Evangelion Unit-02 throws the Nerv frigate toward the JSSDF, there are missiles being fired at the Eva in Episode 25' but none in Rebirth
  • There is added smoke in this cut in Episode 25'
  • There is no foreground in this cut in Rebirth whereas there is a burnt forest in the foreground in Episode 25'
  • The water is blue in Episode 25' whereas the water is white in Rebirth

The Reverse Kick
Rebirth (00:24:00), Air (00:26:27)

  • When Asuka does a reverse kick, destroying the last VTOL with her Eva, the VTOL is firing on her in Episode 25', it is not in Rebirth

Here comes the Harpies
Rebirth (00:24:38), Air (00:27:09)

  • After dropping out of the planes, the Mass Production Evas spread their wings and glide down near the surface where they start circling Evangelion Unit-02. The gliding down cut, shot from above, lasts 4 seconds longer in Episode 25' than it does in Rebirth.

Rebirth (00:24:49), Air (00:27:22)

  • The scene with the Mass Production Evangelions circling around Asuka from the sky lasts 6 seconds longer in Rebirth than it does in Episode 25', where it cuts to Fuyutsuki. In Rebirth, there is no cut to Fuyutsuki, but instead, it fades to black and we have the ending credits

Audio Comparison

Rebirth (00:00:00), Air (00:01:24)

  • Cicadas and the lapping of waves. In Episode 25', the waves are much more pronounced

Rebirth (00:02:41), Air (00:04:26)

  • As Misato sits in her car, contemplating the Human Instrumentality Project, there is a helicopter that flies by in Episode 25' that is missing in Rebirth
  • The dialogue during this scene is slightly different

Rebirth (00:03:31), Air (00:05:18)

  • Gendo and Fuyutsuki speaking with Seele, Seele 12's dialogue sounds different

Rebirth (00:03:45), Air (00:05:27)

  • Gendo and Fuyutsuki speaking with Seele, the line "Through the sacrament of death, God, and humanity, all living things will be united and reborn as one" sounds like it was delivered by a different Seiyū in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:03:51), Air (00:05:37)

  • Gendo and Fuyutsuki speaking with Seele, as the Seele monoliths fade away, the sound effect used is different

Rebirth (00:04:11), Air (00:06:01)

  • As Rei wakes up in her bed, she looks out of her window. The camera then switches to the moon as clouds drift by. During this cut, Rebirth has a sound effect that sounds like sheets beings moved which is missing from Episode 25'
  • Moments later, while the camera is still on the moon, a sound effect of a door opening is heard. A different sound effect was used for Episode 25'
  • Immediately after the sound of the door opening is heard, the camera switches to the door, which is now closing. This sound effect is the same

Rebirth (00:04:30), Air (00:06:20)

  • As Shinji is laying in his bed listening to his SDAT, there is a siren and a car driving by in the background in Episode 25', this is missing in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:04:44), Air (00:06:36)

  • As Misato is hacking away in the room with bright red lines, the camera is panning upwards but Misato is not seen yet, the sound of the machinery is different
  • In Episode 25', during the panning upwards in the room with red lines, you can hear the clicking of a keyboard. This is missing in Rebirth
  • The panning is followed by two cuts, the first is some computer cabling with Misato typing away on a keyboard on the left, then a shot of Misato with a memory disk in her mouth. Here, both Episode 25' and Rebirth has a keyboard clicking sound effect but they are different

Rebirth (00:05:03), Air (00:06:55)

  • The view of the laptop Misato is working on displaying the confidential information on Second Impact gets filled with small "DELETED" boxes and the screen turns blank. As the screen is filled, the sound effect used in Rebirth sounds like a clicking processing sound whereas in Episode 25' the sound effect used is a warning sound similar to klaxons.

Rebirth (00:05:13), Air (00:07:05)

  • After Misato gets up while in the room with red lines, and says "It's beginning", the red lines in the room fade. In Episode 25' there is a sound effect similar to a large door closing which is missing from Rebirth

Rebirth (00:05:24), Air (00:07:16)

  • There is a display in the Command Center that shows the communication links. This display is flashing very quickly between a network of lines and labels such as "NETWORK STATUS ANALYSIS". During this flashing, the sound effect used in Rebirth is a high pitched tone that drops is pitch. In Episode 25' it is a constant pitched beeping.

Rebirth (00:05:31), Air (00:07:21)

  • After Fuyutsuki puts down the phone on the Command Deck, the Magi is being hacked into. In Episode 25', there is background music being played (possibly Angel Attack), Rebirth does not have a BGM

Rebirth (00:05:41), Air (00:07:33)

  • A display of the 6 Magi, 5 of them attempting to hack into Magi 01, is seen and there are flashing blue lines originating from the 5 connecting to Magi 01. As these blue lines flash, there are several high pitched (different pitches) beeping sound effects in Rebirth. Episode 25' does not have a sound effect
  • At this point, the BGM in Episode 25' stops and Angel Attack can be heard in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:06:08), Air (00:08:00)

  • In the shot of Ritsuko in her dark cell, a woman on the PA can be heard saying "All hands, Level 1 Alert! Repeat, all hands, Level 1 Alert! All those on duty, please report to your designated positions." in Rebirth. In Episode 25', the PA is barely audible.

Rebirth (00:06:15), Air (00:08:06)

  • When the door to Ritsuko's cell opens, lighting up the room slightly and the a shadow of a man can be seen in the doorway, the sound effect used for the door opening is different

Rebirth (00:07:02), Air (00:08:54)

  • When Misato, talking on the phone with Maya and Hyuga, arrives at the Command Deck on the elevator, there is a short alarm sound (only once) that can be heard in Rebirth. Episode 25' does not have this sound effect

Rebirth (00:07:18), Air (00:09:10)

  • While Ritsuko is typing away on her laptop inside the Magi, the line "Am I doing something stupid" is delivered earlier in Episode 25' than in Rebirth, resulting in a short pause between her line and when she lifts her glasses up

Rebirth (00:07:29), Air (00:09:24)

  • When Misato is on the Command Deck, turning around and taking a drink of her coffee, as she says "How much longer", a sound effect of her clothes shifting can be heard in Episode 25'. There is no sound effect here in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:07:38), Air (00:09:32)

  • After Misato takes a sip of her coffee, while talking to Hyuga, she says "They're not going to let us off that easily". While this is happening, there is chatter in the background. In Episode 25', there is a woman's voice mixed in with the background chatter

Rebirth (00:07:40), Air (00:09:36)

  • As Fuyutsuki is whispering into Gendo's ear, as he says "and take the 2 Evas by force", you can hear a telephone ringing in the background in Rebirth.
  • When the camera angle changes so that we can see both their faces, the telephone sound effect can be heard in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:08:04), Air (00:09:58)

  • After the 666 firewall has been setup and the hack attempt thwarted, there is a sound effect as a display is shown with several layers of interconnecting hexagons with a 666 inside. This sound affect can still be heard as the display changes to a concentric circles with a label PROTECT NO. 666 in the lower left corner. During this display, the numbers on the display are counting up. After each tick a dinging sound can be heard
  • The same sound effect is used in Episode 25' during the interconnected hexagons, however it is stopped when the display changes. Instead, Episode 25' uses a higher pitched hum sound effect while this display is shown and there is no dinging sound as the numbers increment

Rebirth (00:08:07), Air (00:10:02)

  • A panning shot of the inside of the Magi, with notes on the walls and a cable leading to the dim light of a laptop screen. There is a word repeated in the background, presumably be a computer. The word used in Rebirth is different than Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:08:23), Air (00:10:19)

  • A panning shot of the Seele monoliths. The line "We'll have to cease contact with the Magi" is delivered by a different Seiyū in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:08:50), Air (00:10:43)

  • There is a shot of the lake from the high grass and JSSDF soldiers start to pop out of the bushes. Episode 25' has the sound of a VTOL's engines.
  • After this scene, a VTOL's engines can be heard in Rebirth, however, the sound effect is slightly different.

Rebirth (00:08:58), Air (00:10:54)

  • Several different shots of tanks and other vehicles driving down roads. The sound effects used for their engines are different

Rebirth (00:09:00), Air (00:10:57)

  • As trucks are driving down a road, there is someone with a red flashlight directing the trucks. In Episode 25', as each truck passes, a whistle is blown. In Rebirth, this whistle doesn't seem to be coordinated with the trucks passing

Rebirth (00:09:03), Air (00:10:58)

  • The scene with the tanks firing are completely different. The number of shots are different as well as a tank engine sound effect used in Rebirth because the tanks are moving

Rebirth (00:09:08), Air (00:11:05)

  • After the tanks are firing, there is a stationary rocket launcher battery continuously firing rockets. The sound effect used for the rocket's launches are different

Rebirth (00:09:14), Air (00:11:10)

  • During the display of different observation stations losing signal, 2 people can be heard talking in the background in Episode 25', whereas only one person is talking in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:09:18), Air (00:11:14)

  • During a panning shot of the Command Center, there is an extra alarm sound in Rebirth that continues throughout the entire scene in the Command Center (00:09:38). This alarm sound effect is missing in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:09:27), Air (00:11:20)

  • After the panning shot of the Command Center, the camera switches to Fuyutsuki standing next to Gendo. In Rebirth, a phone starts to ring in the background and continues throughout the entire scene in the Command Center (00:09:38). This phone ringing in the background is missing in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:09:39), Air (00:11:36)

  • After the Command Center scene, it cuts to a Nerv stationary rocket launcher battery. The sound effect of the rockets launching is different

Rebirth (00:09:53), Air (00:11:51)

  • Before the Nerv soldier gets stabbed in the back, the JSSDF soldier puts his hand over the Nerv soldier's mouth. Right as this happens, there are mumbling sounds made by the Nerv soldier in Rebirth. There are no sounds made in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:10:08), Air (00:12:05)

  • The very large caliber bullets (two of them) that hit the stationary truck next to 3 Nerv soldiers made very light pinging sounds in Rebirth. In Episode 25, they were lower in pitch and sounded more like high caliber bullet impacts.

Rebirth (00:10:10), Air (00:12:07)

  • The cut with the KEEP OUT sign with a red flashing siren, Rebirth has a light beeping sound in the background whereas, in Episode 25', there are loud klaxons.
  • At this point, the BGM music M-6 fast tempo, rhythm only [Tanin no kanshou (Outside Intervention)] starts to play in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:10:19), Air (00:12:16)

  • After the cut with the JSSDF soldiers rushing into Nerv HQ, it cuts to the Command Center. At this point, the BGM music M-6 fast tempo, rhythm only (old) starts playing in Rebirth
  • During the entire scene on the Command Center, Episode 25' is filled with frantic chatter in the background. Rebirth does not have any voices, only an occasional ringing of a telephone

Rebirth (00:10:51), Air (00:12:48)

  • During the Command Center scene, Misato is over Hyuga's shoulder and tells him to hide Evangelion Unit-02 in the lake and the flashing of a computer display can be seen in the reflection of Hyuga's glasses. During this cut, computer noises can be heard in the background in Episode 25'. Rebirth does not have these noises

Rebirth (00:11:04), Air (00:13:00)

  • The scene with Rei floating in a cylinder of LCL with writing along the inside, there is the hum of machinery in the background in Rebirth. Episode 25' does not have this hum

Rebirth (00:11:12), Air (00:13:17)

  • As Eva-02 is launched, the BGM E-6 [ANGEL ATTACK] starts playing in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:11:21), Air (00:13:27)

  • After Aoba says that the pilot of Eva-01 is missing, the BGM M-6 fast tempo, modified [Manatsu no shuuen (Midsummer's End)] starts playing in Episode 25'. The previous BGM continues in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:11:29), Air (00:13:33)

  • Throughout the series of doors getting sealed, the sound effect used is different

Rebirth (00:11:39), Air (00:13:44)

  • After the cut with the overhead camera on groups of JSSDF soldiers running across a bridge, it cuts back to the Command Center, specifically Fuyutsiki standing next to Gendo. During this Command Center scene, there are frantic voices in the background in Episode 25' but none in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:12:05), Air (00:14:11)

  • The sound that these flying gunships make are different.

Rebirth (00:12:10), Air (00:14:15)

  • When one of the flying gunships turns on its lights, shining it inside a tunnel revealing 2 Nerv soldiers, the sound effect of the light turning on is different

Rebirth (00:12:48), Air (00:14:53)

  • During the scene where a JSSDF soldier fires a flamethrower into a corridor, the sound of a woman screaming can be heard. In Rebirth, this is very prominent, whereas in Episode 25', it is almost inaudible

Rebirth (00:12:57), Air (00:15:01)

  • The cut with Misato with her hands in a display of Nerv HQ's status by section, in Rebirth, there is a constant steady alarm sound in the background. In Episode 25', there is a beep after each section gets changed to CAPTURED and no alarm constant alarm sound.

Rebirth (00:13:10), Air (00:15:15)

  • The first of the consecutive cuts of bakelite flooding the rooms and corridors, in Rebirth, the only sound is the sound of the bakelite pouring onto the pipes and into the room. Episode 25' also has frantic chatter and a siren in the background

Rebirth (00:13:14), Air (00:15:18)

  • In the cut where the Nerv personnel on the staircase is being submerged with bakelite, frantic chatter can be heard in the background in Rebirth. Episode 25' still has this chatter from the previous scene as well as the siren

Rebirth (00:13:27), Air (00:15:33)

  • After Hyuga tells Misato that Shinji is going to killed, we see Shinji under the steps, BGM stops in both Episode 25' and Rebirth, however, there are gunshots in the background in Rebirth. In Episode 25', there are a few brief gunshots heard after "All non-combat personnel should avoid engaging the enemy" is heard over the PA

Rebirth (00:13:35), Air (00:15:41)

  • The next cut, Misato is prepares her gun on the Command Deck, preparing to go save Shinji, Rebirth lacks the frantic chatter in the background that Episode 25' has.

Rebirth (00:13:54), Air (00:15:53)

  • The cut with the JSSDF commanders observing the battle from afar, Episode 25' has cicadas in the background, Rebirth does not
  • Rebirth has sounds of explosions in the background, presumably from the explosions in the distance

Rebirth (00:14:11), Air (00:16:16)

  • On the Command Deck, as Aoba and Hyuga prepare their weapons, a phone starts ringing in the background in Rebirth. This sound effect is missing from Episode 25'
  • The phone continues to ring in Rebirth after the JSSDF blow their way into the Command Center in continues through the next few cuts

Rebirth (00:15:35), Air (00:17:48)

  • Pan down the steps where Shinji is hiding. Over the radio, the Rebirth dialogue says "Special team, charge into the mechanics room" but the Episode 25' dialogue says "Yanagihara and Shinjo units, enter the lower level"

Rebirth (00:16:05), Air (00:18:22)

  • After Misato kills the 3 JSSDF soldiers, it cuts to her tuning a JSSDF radio. The dialogue over the radio is slightly different. Episode 25' says "Roger that. We have the purple unit surrounded." while Rebirth says "What is the situation of team 7?".
  • In Rebirth, they also mention Eva-02 at the bottom of the lake, however, in Episode 25', the dialogue is nearly inaudible

Rebirth (00:17:34), Air (00:19:51)

  • The initial sound of the N2 Bomb being dropped is different

Rebirth (00:17:50), Air (00:20:05)

  • When the shockwave from the explosion hits the Nerv pyramid, Rebirth doesn't have the static sound, caused by the sparks which only exists in the Episode 25' version

Rebirth (00:18:19), Air (00:20:35)

  • During the scene in the Eva graveyard, with the occasional flash of 2nd impact, Adam, angel DNA, etc... Rebirth has the BGM Infantile Dependence, Adult Dependency, Episode 25' has no BGM here. This BGM is still on when the scene cuts to inside Misato's car.

Rebirth (00:19:08), Air (00:21:25)

  • The scene from the Nagano Prefecture, Neo Tokyo 2, office with the pendulum, in Rebirth, there are a series of banging sounds (between 2 to 4) which at first is synchronized with the pendulum's upswing, but goes out of sync after 2 or 3 swings. In Episode 25', there are occasional banging sounds and a noticeable creaking sound that is synchronized with the pendulum's upswing

Rebirth (00:19:44), Air (00:21:19)

  • After the scene from the office, it cuts to the huge hole in the geofront. In Episode 25', there is immediately the recognizable sound of rushing water. The background sound in Rebirth is unrecognizable, it's possible that it is rushing water but there is also banging sounds, which isn't in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:19:54), Air (00:22:09)

  • The scene cuts to the 2 JSSDF commanders observing the battle at the geofront from afar. In Rebirth, there is a helicoptor sound in the background. In Episode 25', there is no helicopter but a barely audible radio with people talking

Rebirth (00:20:27), Air (00:20:50)

  • After a set of depth charges are dropped on Evangelion Unit-02, Asuka begins to chant that she doesn't want to do. In Rebirth, she is immediately heard saying that she doesn't want to do, as opposed to in Episode 25', she starts of whispering so softly that it can barely be made out
  • In Rebirth, about 30 seconds into Asuka's chanting, sounds in the background start to appear, such as a baby crying and other voices, getting more frequent as she goes on chanting. This does not happen in Episode 25'
  • In Rebirth, near the end of Asuka's chanting, the BGM M-7B Itsuwari no, saisei, no woodwinds starts to play
  • In Episode 25', right before Asuka shouts, you can hear Kyoko talking to her. This doesn't happen in Rebirth
  • In Episode 25', after Asuka screams and after the flashing images, it cuts to waves on a shore and the BGM M-7B Itsuwari no, saisei, new mix starts to play. The BGM that had already started playing in Rebirth continues here as well (although it is supposed to be different)

Rebirth (00:21:44), Air (00:24:08)

  • After the cut with the waves lapping on a shore, we see a sketch of Kyoko then a very unsure/happy little Asuka clinging onto her stuffed monkey in the woods. She says "Mama... You're here?". In Rebirth, this line occurs noticeably earlier than in Episode 25'. Possibly to make up for the extra time of the added cut of Asuka reaching for Kyoko.

Rebirth (00:22:03), Air (00:24:33)

  • As Evangelion Unit-02 lifts the frigate out of the lake, Episode 25' has the Eva growl. Rebirth has a silent Eva.

Rebirth (00:22:07), Air (00:24:37)

  • After Eva-02 lifts the frigate out of the water, the front bow then the aft of the shift breaks. The sound effect used is different

Rebirth (00:22:19), Air (00:24:48)

  • As Eva-02 throws the frigate toward the JSSDF troops, Eva-02 makes a growling sound in Episode 25'.

Rebirth (00:23:00), Air (00:25:28)

  • After the 2 large missiles detonate, the screen is filled with smoke and Evangelion Unit-02's head bursts through the smoke. In Episode 25', there is a "ripping" sound, as if Eva-02 is ripping through the smoke

Rebirth (00:23:13), Air (00:25:41)

  • The cut right after Misato driving a sulking Shinji in her car and being told that Asuka is alive is one behind an JSSDF aircraft firing 4 banks of rockets. In Rebirth, these sound more like machine guns, but in Episode 25', the sound effect was changed to sound more like rockets

Rebirth (00:23:24), Air (00:25:52)

  • After the JSSDF manage to cut Evangelion Unit-02's power cable, the sound of the power supply switching to internal batteries is much higher pitched in Rebirth compared to Episode 25'
  • At this point the BGM (same for both Rebirth and Episode 25') are no longer in sync with each other

Rebirth (00:24:00), Air (00:26:26)

  • The last VTOL that flies up behind Eva-02 (the one Asuka kicks from behind) has an engine sound effect as it flies up to the Eva in Episode 25'. In Rebirth, it is silent

Rebirth (00:24:27), Air (00:26:56)

  • The sound effect of the Mass Production Evangelions as their head comes out of the socket underneath the transport aircraft sounds like a crash in Rebirth. It sounds a lot smoother in Episode 25'

Rebirth (00:24:29), Air (00:26:58)

  • The sound of the Kaworu plugs are inserted in Rebirth is a lot more clangy as opposed to the smooth sound effect used in Episode 25'
  • After the Kaworu plugs are inserted in the Mass Production Evangelions, in Episode 25', you can hear a growling sound that isn't in Rebirth

Rebirth (00:24:37), Air (00:27:08)

  • The sound effect used as the Mass Production Evangelions spread there wings in Rebirth is similar to unsheathing a sword. In Episode 25', it sounds more like a parachute opening.

Rebirth (00:24:40), Air (00:27:13)

  • As the Mass Production Evangelions descend, the sound effect used in Rebirth is akin to a soaring jet compared to Episode 25' which is a high pitched whine

Rebirth (00:24:49), Air (00:27:24)

  • When the camera cuts to the Mass Production Evangelions circling over Eva-02 and Nerv, they continue to make the high pitched sound in Episode 25', but in Rebirth, all sound effects are stopped and the ending theme "Tamashii No Rufuran"" starts