User:The Eva Monkey
Eva History
Back in the day, I received a VHS copy of Go Nagai's Black Lion for my sixteenth birthday. And on that tape was a preview for Evangelion featuring a rapid succession of the series' action sequences accompanied by Beethoven's ninth symphony. Thinking the show was full of action, it conned me into buying the show on thirteen VHS tapes at $25 each. To this day I don't really know why I made such a commitment, but in the end it paid off as the ending had a strong emotional resonance with the person I was at the time. It helped me work through a number of my internal issues, and for that, I have a fond place in my heart for the show.
A lousy first year college experience led me to tinker with web design, and over the summer of 2002 I began working on an Evangelion website (Eva Monkey) which was formally launched in January of 2003. I began the site in the hope of creating a unified resource for fans of the show, to squash out confusions and help fellow fans find their answers. I never truly achieved that goal, but I had a good run informing the community, and sharing my love of Evangelion with other fans, many of whom had a similarly intimate fondness for the show.