Ibuki in front of Ritsuko.
Misato is inside.
MISATO:“(to Ritsuko) What about Unit zero?!”
IBUKI:“Its been deployed in an AT Field neutralized zone!”
Ritsuko looks at Misato.
RITSUKO:“Its left arm hasn’t been regenerated.”
MISATO:“Then it’s impossible for it to fight?”
IKARI (OFF):“Send out Rei in Unit One.”
Ritsuko and Misato face Ikari’s words.
MAN 2:“It was able to absolutely break through the Goura line of defense!”
WOMAN:“The target is invading the green part of area zero.”
MAN:“The self-defensive system is steadily going up inside the battle! There’s still no effect!”
WOMAN:“The target’s drawing near! 60 seconds until the last line of defense!”