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""Magi" is often written in all capital letters in the series, however it is apparently not an acronym. As with "Nerv", spelling it in all capitals was just a quirk of translation by the Japanese production team.": You say, "we need that in so new people will know why its always spelled in all-caps; it doesn't really need to be". First off, as I reiterate again and again, it is NOT a "translation quirk". Second, this is inherently useless/redundant information. I could compile a huge list of words that are "often written in all capital letters in the series" but are "apparently not acronyms", including "EVA" and "ANGEL". Heck, just looking in my immediate IRL vicinity, I spy ADDERALL, SONY, SUN-MAID, GAME BOY ADVANCE, DELL, LIQUID BANDAGE, AFFINITY, SAMSUNG, SANFORD, CASIO WATER RESISTANT ALARM CHRONO...

Well, you get the idea. --Reichu 22:03, 20 August 2007 (EDT)

Although many words get written in all-caps at times, the names of organizations or the supercomputers are often mistaken to be acronyms as a result by the uninitiated, and it is our solemn duty to educate them otherwise. Rephrase "quirk of translation" if you think it's garrish, but we need to get across "it's not an acronym, the Japanese production team just thought it looked cool to use fullcaps"--V 22:08, 20 August 2007 (EDT)