FGC:Episode 02 Cut 288

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

With a fiendish face, the Eva pulls Sachiel's hands over her head and twists them with a loud crack.
Reichu: "And this is for my eye!"

Keisuke-kun: I always got the impression that her attacks on Sachiel were "an eye for an eye". EVA-01 is breaking Sachi's arms for breaking hers, and I suspect tearing off half of Sachi's face was the "for my eye" bit.

Reichu: That's another way to look at it. I was operating from the viewpoint that she was "paying him back" for piercing her skull with his Lance of Light… but, ultimately, it doesn't really matter what her specific motives are.

Referring to the script's description here: It's a helmet, for crissake… How can her "face" be any more "fiendish" here than it is at any other time?

This cut reveals that Sachiel is literally blue-blooded. (Kind of makes me wonder about the reddish ichor he seems to be bleeding in the OP and episode #01…) Despite the amount of Sachi-blood that gets splashed around from here on out, various Gainax images and model kits (depicting poor Sachiel getting mangled by our heroine, naturally!) somehow managed to screw up. Not that I'm surprised.

On a side note, I love EVA-01's twitchiness here.