FGC:Episode 03 Cut 280

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Toji holds onto the interior. Shinji has his head down.

Misato (OFF - radio):“"Recovery route 34, retreat to the east side of the mountain."”

Toji (talking over the second half of Misato's line):“"New kid… She said, 'Retreat'."”

Reichu: And what makes her think Shamshel wouldn't just pursue and screw things up?

OMF: With Shinji being consumed by pain and teenage angst, and Kensuke overwrought with desire to keep filming, Toji really is the last sane man left in the cockpit.

Reichu: Kensuke looks more puzzled to me, as if he's checking out the effects of LCL on his camera. I'm willing to bet he ends up losing his 1337 footage.

Mr. Tines: Contrast the black background when we're looking at Toji and Kensuke with the active background when focus returns to Shinji in the next cut.

Reichu: Yeah, looks like they completely forgot to composite those wraparound side-screens.