Hikari Horaki

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Revision as of 17:56, 11 July 2007 by V (talk | contribs)
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Age 13
Birthday February 18, 2002
Seiyū Junko Iwao (Japanese)

Hikari Horaki is the class representative of Class 2-A, the 8th grade class that all Eva pilot children (and potential pilots) attend in the series.


Hikari has two sisters: her older sister, Kodama, and her younger sister, Nozomi (neither of which ever appear on screen). She says that she is the only one that cooks for her entire family, heavily implying that her mother is dead.

Tokyo 3

Hikari quickly becomes friends with Asuka Langley Soryu when she arrives in Tokyo-3, and appears to be her best friend.

While maintaining a by-the-book and strict demeanor, Hikari is actually secretly attracted to Toji Suzuhara, and eventually reveals her feelings towards him near the end of the series.

Like all of Shinji's classmates in Class 2-A, Hikari is secretly a potential Eva pilot candidate.

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