FGC:Episode 01 Cut 251

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 251

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

The Cage. Ritsuko and Misato walk away, leaving Shinji standing alone.

Ibuki (Announcement - OFF):“Roger. Suspend the current operation. Begin reactivation.”

Reichu: Here is one of those minuscule details that you can miss if you're not watching closely: Misato is hesitant to leave Shinji's side, but Ritsuko takes off without a second thought.

Keisuke-kun: Starting with this cut, the Renewal version of this scene is different; EVA-01's eyes “shutoff”. Apparently even the Eva lost faith in Shinji.

Reichu: Very interesting… Although would that mean her eyes are supposed to be closed now? For some reason, that seems a little odd, considering the stunt she pulls presently. Or perhaps not — there's reason to think the Evas don't actually need their eyes for perceive their environment. (For one thing, the harpies get along just fine without them.)