FGC:Episode 04 Cut 121

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Kensuke (almost completely silhouetted) bends backwards and collapses.


Reichu: The best part of the episode. I mean, come on. It's Kensuke playing with himself!

Sharp-kun: That pun makes Sharp-kun cry. T_T

Treize X: I LOVE this sequence. It's SO funny.

Mr. Tines: Ah, sweet cliché, reminiscent of every tale of GIs slogging their way up past Monte Cassino (a common setting for war comics in my youth).

Otaprince: This scene reminds me of the airgun game in FLCL, which is also played in a field, and of the scene in Honneamise. (Pic)

OMF: Also, the sound effects for the grass is quite well done. Good foley work here.

He gets up.


Then he rolls over, striking a pose with half his body raised.

Kensuke:“"Go. Aida, keep going!"”

Then he gets up and assumes a grieving pose.

Kensuke:“"But I won't go without you!"”

He rolls again and punches.

Kensuke:“"You fool!!"”

Reaction to getting struck.


His ridiculous one-man show over, he plops onto the ground.