FGC:Episode 04 Cut 029

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Misato:“"Shinji-kun is at the Nerv training facility right now."”

Toji raises his body and speaks.

Toji:“"Oh, I see."”

Kensuke takes papers out from his bag.

Kensuke:“"Here are the prints that were collecting on Ikari-kun's desk."”

Misato takes them.

Misato:“"You didn't have to do that. Thank you."”

Toji takes a deep, 90° bow. Kensuke bows lightly.

Touji:“"Well, we'll excuse ourselves, then."”

Kensuke:“"Please give our regards to Ikari-kun."”

Shin-seiki: Misato is quite a facile liar when she needs to be.

Soluzar: I'd say she's a terrible liar. The words "I'm lying" are written all over her face.

Reichu: I smell another doctoring project.