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Revision as of 00:39, 24 January 2008 by TheAyanamiOtaku (talk | contribs)
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Name TheAyanamiOtaku
Real Name Johnathan Woo
Date of birth 05-18-1992
Homeland China
Role The Jester
Lot in life Mastering Synthetic Biology and Reversing Global Warming
Favorite Episode Episode 20: Weaving a Story II: Oral Stage
Favorite Character Rei Ayanami
Favorite Relationship Shinji/Rei and Shinji/Asuka (tie)
Favorite Angel Zeruel
Favorite Evangelion Zerogouki

This article is about the Asian who joined Eva Monkey Forums and subsequently EvaGeeks Forums. For other uses of the name TheAyanamiOtaku, see Otaku. (Warning, this page is still being edited by TheAyanamiOtaku. Please be patient, as he has many things to do in real life)


The Beginning

Before joining Eva Monkey Forums, TheAyanamiOtaku had never really bothered much in the world of anime. Maybe a few episodes of anime's at a friends house (TheAyanamiOtaku does not reap the benefits of Cable Television due to his citizenship inside his house of origin, a.k.a. his Parent's house, which strictly enforces a No-Cable Television policy, and therefore limiting TheAyanamiOtaku's choices to watch on Television) here and there, but he was unable to really get into an anime at all. That is, until TheAyanamiOtaku's seventh year of school. That was when he learned of the magic of torrents.


Within a year, TheAyanamiOtaku found his way to, and the source of all types of entertainment, from pornography to country music. Although he quietly grew out of the later, he still listens to country music occasionally. Regardless of musical preference, he re-discovered his love for anime, and quickly downloaded the anime Cowboy Bebop and "loved every motherfcuking second of it!" That was before Neon Genesis Evangelion. During his freshman year, he attended his school's (Lowell High School) spirit week, which included painting posters and posting them all over the school. Each class was given a genre, and the seniors were given science fiction (Freshmen got comedy, >,<). Walking down the stairs to the seniors, he noticed a small poster featuring a strange group of robots in purple, red, and blue, holding weapons of various sizes, with a Comic-Book Guy lookin' guy studiously working on the shine on the weapon of the robot that he would, in the future, soon call "Yui-Sama". Awed, he asks the Comic-Book Guy lookin' guy "If this is another one of those version of Gundam", and that "the robots look cool". The Comic-Book Guy lookin' guys turns around and furiously bellows that "THESE ARE NOT GUNDAM, THESE BEAUTIES ARE BEYOND STUPID STUPID ROBOTS, THESE ARE EVANGELION, THE ULTIMATE FIGHTING MACHINES, AN EFFICIENT FUSION OF BIOMECHANICAL...". To say the least, TheAyanamiOtaku was quite convinced, and curiously looked up and downloaded the Evangelion TV Series and the two movies via


Finals week was over, and there was a lot of time on his hands. TheAyanamiOtaku, during the dawn of the second semester, watched the first few episodes and believed that it was a high school drama infused with science fiction. After getting to Epiosde 16: Splitting of Breast, he knew that he was mortally flawed to compare Shin Seiki Evangelion with anything related to Gundam anymore. Because of Evangelion, he was evolving, changing, and starting to see the world in a new and terrible light. By the time he finished End of Evangelion (at 4am in the morning) he went to bed and from that day on there was never another day where he would not think about Evangelion at least five times. His self-talks of psychoanalytical origin expanded to analyzing friends, families, animals, and trees. Nothing could stop him now.

Real Life Goals

Musical Preferences

Other Information


There has been a quiet debate over TheAyanamiOtaku's sex and sexual orientation, but in a few threads or so TheAyanamiOtaku has mentioned that he is male, and has noted in the IRC Channel of EvaGeeks that he is playfully straight. This leads to a conclusion that TheAyanamiOtaku is very tolerant of homosexuals.