FGC:Episode 03 Cut 329

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Monitor of a book computer. A 3D model of the entry plug. It's a little different from the genuine article because he's working from vague memory.

SE <<Sound of typing>>

OMF: And you promise not to disclose in any way the things you have seen here today, Mr. Aida?" "Why, of course not, sir! Perish the thought!"

Reichu: I wondered for the longest time what the hell that was. "Shamshel seen through beer goggles" was actually the first thing that came to mind, but this really is the interior of the entry plug. It just looks strange because we're not used to seeing it isolated like this. Well, plus Kensuke's doing it from memory — I'm actually surprised it's as accurate as it is

Mr. Tines: This is very much early 1990's CAD/CAM (as opposed to today's real-time smooth shading of mechanical models of much higher complexity).