Woman 2:“"Damage to the epithelium of both palms. Third degree burns."”
Misato looks over her shoulder, composed.
Misato:“"I'm authorizing it."”
Reichu: It's kind of odd that Ritsuko treats this entry plug thing as a big deal, whereas the Vice Commander doesn't seem to have comments on it one way or another.
Soluzar: Where in He11 is Fuyutsuki? I thought he was in charge today?
Reichu: He's been remarkably absent since the actual operation started… "Ah, well, I've said my couple of lines for this episode." :goes to the employee lounge and watches cartoons:
Hexon.Arq: In the heat of battle, nature doth call.
OMF: Plus the old prostate's not what it used to be. On the other hand, maybe this is all part of (hushed tones) the scenario!
Reichu: :lol: Either that, or he's having one hell of a BM.