FGC:Episode 04 Cut 016

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The bookshelf is empty and nothing is on the hanger.

Mr. Tines: This shows that Shinji hasn't acquired any significant new personal possessions in the weeks since his arrival, if he's still able to pack everything in the bag in cut 035… (Though that bag is bigger than his rucksack from episode #01.)

Reichu: I'm wondering where on Earth all of his crap from episode #02 (the luggage that arrived before he did) went! Clearly, something is amiss here…

Hexon.arq: Well, you've got his cello, his… um,… cello. Perhaps, like Gendo, he has no sentimental possessions, and to top it off he really hates clothes shopping. What would a 14-year-old boy living with a teacher normally own?

OMF: Perhaps Gendo has confiscated it all, just to be nasty! "Fond memories? No. He won't be needing those. Confiscate them!"

Reichu: Yes, but that would require Gendo to grant even the slightest iota of a thought to Shinji's domestic condition. I mean, cripes, he can't even be bothered to do that for his blue-haired pet. (Okay, I jest — there may actually be a reason for that, but we'll address it next time… And I'll give you plenty of service, too!)