FGC:OP Cut 069

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The Giant of Light turning around.

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Sharp-kun: This shot of Adam will crop up again and again. Its main purpose is obviously to hint at what the Evas really are. It raises some interesting questions, though, as Adam is shown here with bindings (shoulder pylons specifically), which we know are not organic and were added to the Evas by Nerv. (We'll speculate more on this in later eps that deal with Second Impact in detail.) She also looks a bit anorexic.

Reichu: Indeed. A little-known fact is that Adam was once a model for Calvin Klein. Not only did she impose strict diet and exercise regimes upon herself, she also had her two lower pairs of ribs surgically removed, hence the overexaggerated “Minoan Waist.” Of course, despite her best efforts, Adam didn't make it very far in the modeling biz. In a final, pitiable act of self-defeat, she moved to Antarctica and skewered herself with a pitchfork. However, after recently going through vigorous rehabilitation, Adam says she feels ready for a comeback; watch out for her cameo in the upcoming straight-to-DVD “Casper” sequel.

Dr. Nick: That reminds me of Toasty Frog's review of Collection 0:1 … "Eva's success was inevitable, because it's effectively the anime equivalent of Calvin Klein ads. Not only are the pilots anorexically thin waifs, but so are their mechs."

Gundampilotspaz: Most the the characters and symbols important to the series are in the opening — except for Lilith. Lilith, possibly the most important Angel. And yet Adam is worthy enough to be shown twice.

Reichu: Well, you know, they have to show “Big Adam” and “Little Adam” … Strictly speaking, Lilith isn't an Angel-Angel, but, yeah, her absence does seem a little odd. I guess they figured having her blue-haired avatar was enough. Or maybe there's another reason …