FGC:Supplemental (Sachiel and the Pilots' Plugsuits)

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Episode #01: Sachiel and the Pilots' Plugsuits

(Expanded Commentary from C-030)

Shin-seiki: Now that we get a good look at the big, lovable lug, maybe this would be an opportune time to make a point about Sachiel that I've noticed, but have never seen mentioned anywhere: Namely how Sachiel's design reflects that of the Eva pilots' plugsuits (or is it the other way around?).

Here is Sachiel, and here are the five pilots in their plugsuits.

Note how Sachi has this big carapace on his shoulders...

..with a pair of prominent round apertures, front and back. Compare to the shoulder area of the pilots' plugsuit:

which has a panel with a pair of round thingamabobs (I'm guessing they're some sort of valve).

Next, note the rib-like structures around the core:

and the "scapular exoskeletal carapace" (as Reichu famously once put it) on the back side:

Compare the life-support pack of the plugsuit:

Note how the LS pack wraps around the pilot's ribcage, with a red spherical structure over the pilot's heart area. (Asuka's suit doesn't have this feature, for some reason).

Finally, the Angel has gills on his thighs:

and, on the female pilots' suits, that area is set off with black trim:

(The lines on Asuka and Rei's suits don't seem to serve any purpose besides emphasizing the feminine curves of their hips and thighs.)

So, what then, is the point of this visual paralleling of the Angel and the pilots? I would say that it subtly suggests a theme that becomes more obvious towards the end (#16, #22, and #23), that the Angels serve to “hold up a mirror”, so to speak, to the pilots, forcing them to confront aspects of themselves that they would prefer to not think about. Sachiel is manifesting the “Angel as mirror to the pilots” theme right from the beginning…

Reichu: It's interesting that Sachi would end up playing such a role, as he personally doesn't do the pilots any “favors”… I suppose he unwittingly landed himself the role of “Angel spokesperson” due to the mere fact that he shows up first (not to mention he gets a whole two episodes!).

Interestingly, Shinji's plugsuit also had the "black trim" at one point in the design process. This indicates, to me, that the lines weren't originally intended for "feminine enhancement," although it is certainly true that they ultimately serve such a purpose.