FGC:Episode 01 Cut 074

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 074

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Misato pins Shinji down and covers him with her body.

Misato:“Get down!”

An intense light shines into the car.

SE <<No sound>>

tv33: Interesting camera angle…

thewayneiac: Some might think that this is a weird time for fan service… but, actually, it's always a good time for fan service!

Dr. Nick: Well, thanks to their perverse creativity, the fan service aspect in Gainax's older series is generally executed in such a manner that it doesn't make you want to stab your eyes with a fork (unlike with so many other series). The humor might be absolutely retarded, but at least it's fun, IMHO.

Reichu: In my case, it was probably a good thing there weren't any forks around last time I watched Gunbuster

HeWhoPostsStuff: Ridiculously enough, the fourth shot down reminds me of an old episode of Ren and Stimpy, wherein a dramatic sunset rises over the “rolling hills” of Stimpy's butt, with dramatic music playing in the background. And no, I haven't watched Ren and Stimpy since.