FGC:Episode 01 Cut 310

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 310

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

The display inside the plug initiates. Eventually the outside surroundings are shown.

Ibuki (OFF - radio):“Connecting to A¹⁰ nerve. No abnormalities.”

Man (OFF - radio):“LCL electric charge normal.”

Ritsuko (OFF - radio):“Fixing the thought patterns to Japanese as the fundamental basis for control.”

Ritsuko (OFF - radio):“Initial stage of contact, no problems detected.”

HeWhoPostsStuff: This is the point when the line between LCL and LSD becomes blurred.

Dr. Nick: Another odd tidbit about the LCL : Many people seem to think that “LCL” is an abbreviation of “Link Connect(ed) Liquid”, as it's written in Viz's “dossier” section of manga volume 5), but that's not the case — apparently it's not an abbreviation of anything, it's simply LCL. This is what the The D&R Special Edition Movie Program Book says about the subject:

Incidentally, the widely circulated idea that L.C.L is the abbreviation of "Link Connected Liquid" is incorrect.

Reichu: Interestingly, the script says that “characters and cubes are displayed inside the plug”. This obviously isn't the case in the final episode,but you can see what this might have looked like in Sadamoto's manga .

felineki: For some reason, the trippy stuff seems more effective than “characters and cubes”. I've considered that maybe these trippy backgrounds might be the biological nervous equivalent of noise, since this is going on during the whole “connection”bit.

Reichu: And BTW, the entry plug's interior screens are something that will be discussed in greater detail in a different place, at a different time.