FGC:Episode 01 Cut 217

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut cut217

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Misato listens with a very serious

face.Ritsuko (OFF) “You should understand that, Captain Katsuragi.”

HeWhoPostsStuff: Here Ritsuko's no-nonsense, ruthless side is hintedat… I can't say it's so for certain, but it seems like she using Misato's memories of her father and Second Impact (which have, more or less, controlled her life up to this point) as an emotional trump, to get her to agree with the idea of making Shinji pilot the Eva cold. I wouldn't think she'd be referring to the Eva's technical aspects, anyways, since Misato knows little about them.

OMF: The conversation betweenRitsuko and Misato here is an interesting one. In a lesser show, it would be Gendo and Shinji having this conversation, with Gendo explaining that even though the situation may seem hopeless, Shinji has to give it a shot, and with Shinji reluctantly accepting his role, stocially, as saviour of the universe. However this is Neon Genesis Evangelion, and such trite performances concerning the mere background details like saving the world are best left to secondary characters. Angels, Geofronts, Evas,Giant Robot Battles, Beautiful Women, Blood, Explosions, and High Tech Sci-Fi Installations: All of these are simply props, pretty background details to whet our appitites between the real meats of Evangelion, amoung them the cuts that follow now.

Reichu: Wait until #19 before you start talking about “meats”. Kekekekeke... And, erk... “Mere background detail”? I guess I'll save that particular rant for later.