FGC:Episode 01 Cut 020

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 020

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary
Photo of Misato doing the “V-sign“.

Writing: To Shinji-kun I'll be picking you up, so wait for me, okay?

→ Check this out!!

Shinji (OFF):“I guess we won't be meeting here.”

MDWigs: The kiss mark on the photo is apparently made by one of the (few) female staff at Gainax, while the handwriting is Anno's himself!

Shin-seiki: This shot is revealing in more ways than one; it hints at aspects of Misato's personality that aren't fully explicated until the near the end of the series…

thewayneiac: It takes a rather unusual personality to lure a 14-year-old boy with this sort of photo.

Gundampilotspaz: I laugh every time I see this; Misato is the kind of person who would do something like that. It's a good look at her character before we even have a chance to pass judgment on her. And I'm sure Shinji comes to the same conclusion as we do.

Reichu: As you can see, the gargantuan nature of Misato's bust is emphasized early on. Strange as it may seem, breasts are actually of incredible thematic importance in NGE.

HeWhoPostsStuff: As opposed to that multitude of anime titles in which breasts are NOT of “incredible thematic importance”? :P

Reichu: Well, amazingly enough, NGE doesn't use them merely for fan service… One of the many items that will be covered as we go through the series.