FGC:Episode 02 Cut 008

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Closeup of a building wall surface. When that cuts off, you see a crater within the city itself, a tent in its epicenter. On the outskirts are special vehicles and red lights. Underground armor plates are exposed in the central part.

SE <<Helicopter sounds>>

Reichu: Ah, don't you just love non-chronological storytelling? It's obvious something big happened here, but they make you wait to find out! The nerve!!

Hexon.Arq: That crater is a bit too clean for me…

Shin-seiki: Not to nit-pick or anything, but an explosion sufficient to excavate a crater that size would have vaporized the surrounding buildings.

Dr. Nick: The artists of Gainax have a bad habit of ignoring the effects of explosion shock waves, as will be seen later on in the show (C-065 in episode #03, for one).

Shin-seiki: It is interesting to note the artificial-looking layer exposed at the center; the first layer of armor over the Geofront, apparently.