FGC:Episode 08 Cut 025

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The hat, having fallen to the deck, is tumbling around.

TOJI (p.d. - OFF):“Damn it~~”

UrsusArctos: When I saw that five-pointed-star-shaped-thing on the flight deck, I decided to look up the fire protection system that carriers use. And guess what, that's a very accurately drawn US Navy wash-down nozzle that sits flush with the flight deck. It's exactly the kind of thing that you'd expect to find unobtrusively tucked away in the flight deck of a real aircraft carrier. The attention to detail for a background object seen for a second or two is extraordinary!

Alaska Slim: I don't fully get this love Mr. Anno has for colliding American and Russian tech, but he had been doing it for a while by this point. Royal Space Force features a rocket that's a clear mishmash of a Soyuz and a Saturn V.