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I am a PuertoRican, I love Pizza, and I am a Dude. Can't you tell by nickname? ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude, ThePRPD for short. How are ya?

About ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude

My name is Joseph Anthony Sanchez. I was born on June 15th, 1993. I live in New York City and I hate it. Currently I am a High School Student. I am a member of my School's Crew Team. In case you don't know what crew is, it's rowing. I am a sophomore. I plan to go to college and finish school! I'm a shy person and a bit of a loner. I enjoy helping people out, entertaining, and making people laugh. Like most people I can be a little immature, idiotic, make mistakes, and say things at the wrong time. Even though I am Puerto Rican I do not speak spanish and I have never been to Puerto Rico or do things most Puerto Ricans do.

I came up with my nickname "ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude" back when I was in the 8th grade. Me and some friends of mine were discussing nick names and I had said ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude! It was original, funny, etc. They said it was to long. Then I said how about ThePRPD for short? They said "Nah... PPD". In my head I was like "PPD?! That does sound right. I think I'll stick with ThePRPD". Although ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude was not originally my nickname. Actually I came up with it either two nights or weeks before the conversation occurred. It was a screen name I came up with when I was a member of a website called But ever since I've not only had ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude as my nickname but I use ThePRPD as a screen name for a lot of stuff. Mostly because "ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude" is to long :P.

I can be a serious person most of the time. I am currently 15 years old but I do act older than I am(most or half of the time). I am Catholic and I take my religion very seriously. I am also abstinent(by choice). I do not drink any alchohol or do drugs. I fail to see the point in either.

In case you did not see the obvious: My favorite food it pizza!

A Fondness for Neon Genesis Evangelion

I have to say Neon Genesis Evangelion has to be my favorite anime. The plot is so deep and complex it's just fun to mess with the plot holes. The one other anime I have to say that would rival my fondness of Evangelion has to be Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann. I also love the Evangelion Manga Spin off: Angelic Days by Fumino Hayashi. After watching End of Evangelion and several episodes and the TV ending several times a lot of plot holes were filled in my perspective and very fun to watch. Although the first time I watch End of Evangelion I found myself with a massive head ache and choking my PC. I've even made my very own Evangelion Parody Series on

Neon Genesis Evangelion The Abridged Series

Neon Genesis Evangelion The Abridged Series is a non-profit fan based parody created by ThePuertoRicanPizzaDude. Inspired by The Confusing Plot of Neon Genesis Evangelion and the works of abridgers, hbi2k, Lanipator, and LittleKuriboh. Prior to my Neon Genesis Evangelion The Abridged Series there two others and an additional one created in the process of casting of my own Evangelion Abridged. Since I felt the two other abridged parodies did not do the series justice(including the third one) I felt I could. They also did not make it past three episodes for some odd reason. In November 2008 ThePRPD's account on was suspended due to a copyright claim from Color, inc. The copyright holders to Rebuild of Evangelion. It was ThePRPD's fault this happened but learning from mistakes he made a new account, ThePRPD2.

Currently I am on the last two episodes of The first arc. Episode 5 of Evangelion Abridged has already been scripted but a replacment Gendo is needed. Although due to a ban from a certain forum whose name will not be mentioned Auditions for roles such as a replacement Gendo has been moved to the Eva Geeks forums.

Episode 6's script is under way. Although since youtube has a new filter that would automatically detect copyright and I do want to use some material from Rebuild of Evangelion it might be seen on

Episode 2 of the abridged series due to "innapropriate content" so it will be moved to as a result. episode 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion The Abridged Series will be re-uploaded to youtube but with a cut scene.

Contact Info

Youtube account: ThePRPD2 E-Mail: [email protected] Skype: ThePRPD