FGC:Episode 01 Cut 234

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 234

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Shinji hanging his head before the Eva.
HeWhoPostsStuff: Am I the only one who think Shinji's head, positioned as it is, almost looks like a pupil within the Eva's eye? A tad spooky, in my opinion…

DeepThought: If it wasn't for the distracting white top he was wearing, the effect would be just.

Reichu: In this scene, EVA-01's “eyes” flipflop between being white and, for close-up shots like this one, yellow. It's all pretty damn bizarre if you consider what color her eyes are supposed to be, but more on that momentarily.

Dream: A boy and his duty. I really like this shot of Shinji looking down in shame, crushed by pain, and the Eva in the background, giant, covering it all, actually, the final frames of I.Shinji. are all deeply symbolic to me.