FGC:Episode 01 Cut 141

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 141

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Ikari:“Nerv exists for that very purpose.”

Woman (OFF):“Pasting Melchior's 54782 data.”

tv33: I love when Gendo responds like this. Rather than saying “Yes” or “No”, he make a statement implying that it will be done because Nerv exists. The idea that he will not succeed does not even cross his mind, regardless of the fact that they don't have a pilot for EVA-01 yet and she has never even been activated. It will be done because it has to be; there is no other option.

Reichu: I also like the attention to detail, namely, Gendo's little “pushing-glasses-up-bridge-of-nose” gesture. As someone who wears glasses (due to the fact that I'm rather adverse to sticking things in my eyes), I myself must do this type of “routine maintance” several times a day.

Hexon.Arq: It's also a great way for a glasses-wearer to punctuate an obvious response without quite so much smartassery. “…dumbass.”