FGC:Episode 01 Cut 103-1

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 103-1

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


IN THE PARK]Misato (MONO) “This sucks! I justhad my car restored and it's a total wreck already! 33 more loan payments to go, plus the cost of repairs. Even worse, my only decent clothes have been ruined.”

Hexon.Arq: Now, is it just me. or does this particular BGM sound a lot like The Man From Ipanema?

HeWhoPostsStuff: In my view, the NGE soundtrack is very “retro”in its style, and Barefoot in the Parkin particular underscores that. Seriously, this track belongs in the background of a 1950's sitcom or something. Of course, Fly Me to the Moonis an even more obvious example of this sort of thing, as is Misato's theme.

Reichu: This is the sort of silly little scene that typifies the first half of the series. They peak in frequency when Asuka showsup, but they become a rare commodity as the show turns increasingly dark. With a show as complicated and profound as NGE, it's nice to know that it doesn't take itself completely seriously.