FGC:Episode 01 Cut 050

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 050

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Sachiel impassively taking direct hits.
Incisivis: Is it weird to think Sachiel looks so cute here? :)

Sharp-kun: If only he went “Puchuuu~…” ^^;;;

Reichu: Adorable though he is, his design is WAYYYY off here. Technically, he also shouldn't even be able to blink, at least the way they draw it here. As I'll elaborate upon later, Sachiel's face is apparently comprised of ossified layers. Still, the bottom-most layer could possibly be fleshy and he really could have eyelids hidden in those dark orbits, although in that case they'd probably look more like this.

felineki: God, I love this shot. Sachiel does indeed look dodgy, but the sheer cuteness of the tilted head and impossible blinking of ossified eyes makes this one incredibly memorable for me. It is a bit wanton and silly, but it is one of the many touches that make the Angels so different from the typical “giant monster”-types.

DeepThought: I was always confused as to how Sachiel could actually maneuver his skull in this way, as he has no “neck” to speak of, thus limiting his flexibility immensely.

HeWhoPostsStuff: There's always the possibility that his “skull” is actually screwed onto the main part of his body like the top of a mayonnaise jar. :D

Reichu: I think it's just a matter of the animator of this cut taking considerable liberties (or simply screwing up). Sachiel should not be able to tilt his head or blink, but he is shown doing it anyway.

Additional Commentary  

Someone: I wonder why are they still trying.

tv33: He almost seems to be enjoying it…

Reichu: To an Angel, I would imagine that direct missile hits might tickle, if nothing else.

Twin Drive Sigma Aquarion: I don't get it, am I supposed to be hurt?

Sailor Star Dust: His "blinking" is super cute!