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To ease the workload of the project, streamline operations and prevent bottlenecks, the various parts of the FGP will be split into seperate sections called Minionistries. Each Minionistry will be responsible for a seperate section of the project, but will work in conjunction with other Minionistries for the benefit of the project.

Heading each minionistry will be an individual Minionister. The Minionister will have authority over all decisions relating to their minionistry and will be expected to act independantly to achieve the goals of their section. Minionisters will be expected to act on their own initative without supervision, but will also be expected to be open to suggestions and feedback for other Minionisters and users.

Minionisters may appoint, and if neccessary co-opt, junior minionisters, or underlings, to assist them in their duties. Other Minionisters may also offer assistance if it is required.

It is hoped that Minionisters will be able to act as part of the overall FGC/P, not just solely on their own sections, so that the entire project will be greater than the sum of its parts.

The individual Minionisters responsible for their own Minionistries are as follows.

Prime Mistress

Reichu. Responsible for the overall direction of the project, the selection of Minionisters, cross Minionistry issues, and mediating any disputes that may arise between Minionistries. Also responsible for any minor affairs and issues that may arise but are not covered by any of the minionistries.

Minionister for the Commentary

Duties will include the procurement, selection and editing of comments, images and scripts, the overall layout of the commentary pages, declaring new episodes open for comments, and issuing calls for comments in the forum. Essentially everything dealing directly with the commentary pages will be under this minionistry.

Minionister for the Wiki

Responsible for the overall presentation and organisation of the Wiki(excluding design and the FGC namespace). Duties include the selection and management of wiki editors, mediating any disputes, and drafting all the various wiki guidelines and policies, as well as issues dealing with wiki maintainance.

Minionister for Design

Responsible for the aesthetic design of the site; Wiki, forums and everything else. Creation of logos, icons, banners, colour schemes, css designs, font selection, etc ,etc will all be under this minionistry.

Minionister for Translation

Owing to the vital but huge workload this presents, translation of all required Japanese content into English shall be the responsibility of this minionistry. The minionister will be responsible for the translation of the Renewal scripts and any other required translations, interviews, magazines, scans, etc. The minionister may also revise any previously translated material and issue the "canonical" FGP version.

Minionister for Archival

Responsible for the selection, editing and archival of all Evangelion related information they seem "significant". This includes, forum posts and threads, newsgroup and mailing list posts, interviews, writings, etc. Any material deemed "of interest" will be archived in some fashion by this minionistry (not neccessarily always publically).

Minionister for the Forum

Responsible for all FGP forum matters. Selection of moderators, spam control, forum policies, creation of sub forums, etc, will all be under the authority this minionistry. "Foreign affairs", i.e. establishing links with other online Eva communities, announcing calls for commentary and wiki contributions, newsletters, etc, etc will also be the responsibilty of this minionister.