FGC:Episode 04 Cut 095

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Across from Misato, apparently slouching against the wall, Ritsuko operates the machine; she speaks without looking at Misato.

Misato (backside):“"I know."”

Ritsuko:“"So? Any contact from Shinji-kun?"”

Misato (backside):“"…."”


Treize X: This strikes me as a little odd. Ritsuko is fairly cold and has little to any sociable interaction with Shinji. Why is she so concerned?

Reichu: I think this just has more to do with Ritsuko and Misato consumating their surface-level "friendship".

Incisivis: The difference between Ritsuko and Misato shows up again, as Ritsuko considers the need for pilots and Misato seems to be the more compassionate one. Though as we'll see later, emotions are not so simple for either of them.

Hexon.arq: For a presumably serious examination, Ritsuko's setup has all the polish of an unsettled otaku's AMV studio.