FGC:Episode 04 Cut 111

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Shinji speaks with a settled face. He is strangely benign.

Shinji:“"That's not the point. Anyway, I'm the only one who can pilot it, aren't I?"”

thewayneiac: Another good point. Keep them coming. Of course the trouble is he doesn't mean it. He says "I'll pilot it", then he runs away.

Treize X: Cocky little Shinji… Yeah, his behavior here always struck me as slightly ironic.

Sharp-kun: ("I'm the only one who can pilot it, aren't I?") There's Rei…

Reichu: (What's she going to do to the Angels? Bleed on them? ;;>)

Mr. Tines: Send in the clones! (Well, if they didn't have to make do with one soul between the lot of them, that is.)

Soluzar: May I be the one to speak with a dissenting voice? Isn't Shinji the one who is really indispensible? Forget army rules, soldiers can be replaced. Other than Rei and Asuka, Nerv never successfully sortie another Eva pilot. In that situation, you can get away with being a brat, because they need you.

OMF: His indispensibility is his one and only source of consolation. Despite all their bossing, the worst Nerv can do is simply send him out to fight.

Reichu: The whole situation is quite weird. Nerv is always bitching about not having enough pilots, but they have this giant collection of kids and dead mo—… Er, best to hold off on that.

Soluzar: Having said all of that, I do agree that he is being rude and insolent. However, I don't recall any mention of him getting paid to do this job. Nor do I recall any real opportunity for him to turn it down. That means that he has some right to a little latitude.

Reichu: "Here, Shin-chan. Your 5000 yen for the week. Now, quit your whining."

"Misato-san… You're so cruel!"

OMF: Shinji's first line here shows he's not interested in Misato's opinion of him, probably because, at this stage, he already thinks he knows what it is.

Reichu: Still, quite out of character. For most of the series he agonizes over what people think about him.