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==IJN Akagi(赤城)==
==IJN Akagi(赤城)==
(Namesake of [[Ritsuko Akagi|Ritsuko]] and [[Naoko Akagi]])
([[tr:Ritsuko Akagi|Ritsuko]] ve [[tr:Naoko Akagi|Naoko Akagi'nin]])
[[Image:Akagi_Frontal_1942.jpg|left|250px|thumb|IJN Akagi]]
[[Image:Akagi_Frontal_1942.jpg|left|250px|thumb|IJN Akagi]]
Akagi was one of the most famous of all Japanese warships, and certainly the most famous Japanese aircraft carrier. Akagi was laid down as an Amagi-class battlecruiser in 1920 and converted into an aircraft carrier thanks to the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, an agreement between America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan which imposed limitations on warship design and production on all the nations and which proved rather disappointing for Japan, in restricting the total weight of ships that it could build. Akagi's name, which means "Red Castle", comes from a mountain of the same name, Mount Akagi(赤城山,''Akagi-san'' ), in the Gunma Prefecture of Japan (She retained her battlecruiser name, while purpose-built aircraft carriers were named after real or mythical flying creatures). Since Akagi had the hull and engines of the original battlecruiser design with the hangars and flight deck built on top, it was fast and powerful, one of the best of the early carriers.

Akagi sealed her place in history when she served as the flagship of Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo during the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, launching two waves of aircraft at Oahu. She was constantly active in the following six months, and served on other campaigns in the Pacific, such as supporting the invasion of the port of Rabaul in the Bismarck islands in New Guinea. Her aircraft sunk several ships including the world's first purpose-built aircraft carrier, the British carrier HMS Hermes.
Akagi, tüm Japon savaş gemilerinin en ünlülerinden biriydi ve kesinlikle en ünlü Japon uçak gemisiydi. Akagi, 1920'de Amagi sınıfı bir muharebe kruvazörü olarak atıldı ve 1922 Washington Donanma Antlaşması sayesinde uçak gemisine dönüştürüldü: 1922 Washington Donanma Antlaşması; Amerika, Birleşik Krallık, Fransa, İtalya ve Japonya arasında, tüm uluslara savaş gemisi tasarımı ve üretimine sınırlamalar getiren ve inşa edebileceği toplam gemi ağırlığını kısıtlama konusunda Japonya için oldukça hayal kırıklığı yaratan bir anlaşmadır. Akagi'nin "Kızıl Kale" anlamına gelen adı, Japonya'nın Gunma Eyaletindeki Akagi Dağı'ndan (赤城山,''Akagi-san'') aynı adı taşıyan bir dağdan gelir (Savaş kruvazörü adını korurken, amaca yönelik uçak gemilerine gerçek veya efsanevi uçan yaratıkların adı verildi). Akagi, hangarları ve uçuş güvertesi üzerine inşa edilmiş orijinal muharebe kruvazörü tasarımının gövdesine ve motorlarına sahip olduğundan, hızlı ve güçlüydü, ilk uçak gemilerinin en iyilerinden biriydi.

Akagi's final battle was the Battle of Midway, where she would be one of the four Japanese carriers lost, a defeat that would spell the beginning of the end of the Japanese Empire in the Pacific. On June 4, 1942 Akagi was attacked by Flight Lieutenant Richard Best's section of three dive bombers from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. Akagi took one hit - from Best himself - on the forward elevator, which started a fire that eventually spread out of all control. A near-miss off Akagi's stern caused shock damage that jammed the rudder. Severely damaged by the fire and exploding ordnance but still floating, she was scuttled the next day by torpedoes from four destroyers. Akagi was the luckiest of the four carriers lost, suffering the fewest deaths among all crew.
Akagi, 7 Aralık 1941'de Pearl Harbor'a düzenlenen ve Oahu'da iki dalga uçak fırlatan Koramiral Chuichi Nagumo'nun amiral gemisi olarak hizmet ettiğinde tarihteki yerini mühürledi. Sonraki altı ay boyunca sürekli olarak aktif oldu ve Yeni Gine'deki Bismarck adalarındaki Rabaul limanının işgalini desteklemek gibi Pasifik'teki diğer kampanyalarda görev yaptı. Uçağı, dünyanın ilk amaca yönelik uçak gemisi İngiliz uçak gemisi HMS Hermes de dahil olmak üzere birçok gemiyi batırdı.

As is often the case among warships, Akagi was not the first ship of the Japanese Navy to bear that name. The first Akagi was a ''Maya''-class gunboat of the late nineteenth century. (Rather ironic in ''Evangelion'' terms, since [[Maya Ibuki]] has an unrequited crush on [[Ritsuko Akagi]]) Although she was named after the carrier, Ritsuko's surname is spelt with different characters, as 赤木, which means "Red tree" (the character ''ki'' 木 meaning "tree").
Akagi'nin son savaşı Midway Muharebesiydi ve burada kaybedilen dört Japon gemisinden biri olacaktı ve bu yenilgi, Pasifik'teki Japon İmparatorluğu'nun sonunun başlangıcını tetikleyecekti. 4 Haziran 1942'de Akagi, Uçuş Teğmen Richard Best'in USS Enterprise uçak gemisinden üç pike bombardıman uçağı bölümü tarafından saldırıya uğradı. Akagi, en sonunda tamamen kontrolden çıkan bir yangını başlatan ileri asansöre -Best'in kendisinden- bir darbe aldı. Akagi'nin kıç tarafı ramak kala dümeni tıkayan şok hasarına neden oldu. Yangın ve patlayan mühimmat nedeniyle ciddi şekilde hasar gördü, ancak hâlâ yüzüyordu, ertesi gün dört muhripten gelen torpidolar tarafından suya düştü. Akagi, kaybedilen dört uçak gemisinin en şanslısıydı ve tüm mürettebat arasında en az ölüme maruz kaldı.
Savaş gemilerinde sıklıkla olduğu gibi, Akagi Japon Donanması'nın bu ismi taşıyan ilk gemisi değildi. İlk Akagi, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında ''Maya'' sınıfı bir savaş gemisiydi. (''Evangelion'' terimleriyle oldukça ironik, çünkü [[tr:Maya Ibuki|Maya Ibuki]], [[tr:Ritsuko Akagi|Ritsuko Akagi'ye]] karşılıksız bir aşıktır). Adını taşıyıcıdan almasına rağmen, Ritsuko'nun soyadı, "Kızıl ağaç" anlamına gelen 赤木 olarak farklı karakterlerle yazılmaktadır ("ağaç" anlamına gelen ''ki'' 木 karakteridir).

==IJN Aoba(青葉)==
==IJN Aoba(青葉)==

Revision as of 07:26, 16 August 2021

Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise'ı, savaş gemilerine çok sayıda referansın yanı sıra, gerçek dünya savaş gemilerini belirgin bir şekilde içerir. Bu sayfa, dizideki karakterlerin adını aldığı İkinci Dünya Savaşı gemilerinin listesini, özellikle TV dizisinin 8. bölümünde ve Evangelion 3.0'da ekranda görülen savaş gemileriyle birleştiriyor. Amaç, franchise yaratıcılarının dahil ettiği veya şu veya bu şekilde atıfta bulunduğu tüm gemilerin mümkün olduğu kadar tam bir listesini sağlamaktır, ancak franchise'daki çok sayıda savaş gemisinin muhtemelen birkaçını ıska geçtiği konusunda önceden uyarılmalıdır.

Savaş Gemisi Türleri

Evangelion'un "tarihi savaş gemileri" İkinci Dünya Savaşı dönemine aittir. O dönemden bazı gemi türleri tamamen ortadan kalktı; örneğin, savaş gemileri 1950'lerden beri çoğunlukla müze parçalarına indirgendi (birkaç Amerikan gemisi dışında) ve "ağır" ve "hafif" kruvazörler arasındaki ayrım çoktan ortadan kalktı ve neredeyse tüm kruvazör türleri düz "kruvazör" olarak adlandırıldı. Uçak gemileri çoğunlukla daha büyük ve daha iyidir (Amerikan süper gemileri "devasa"dır, ancak tüm gemiler o kadar büyük değildir) ve muhripler eski hafif kruvazörlerin boyutuna ulaştı ve fırkateynler 2. Dünya Savaşı muhriplerinin boyut kategorisini aldı.

Uçak Gemileri

Bir uçak gemisi, kelimenin tam anlamıyla kilometrelerce uzaktan tespit edilebilir. Modern bir Nimitz sınıfı süper gemi, şimdiye kadar yapılmış en büyük, en ağır savaş gemisidir, bin fitten fazla uzunluğa ve 100.000 tondan fazla ağırlığa sahiptir. Tüm uçak gemileri, uçakların kalkış ve iniş yapmasına izin vermek için düz ve geniş bir güverteye sahiptir. Modern uçak gemileri, üzerinde ve içinde çok sayıda uçakla bulunur ve her zaman birkaç eskort eşlik eder. Donanma söz konusu olduğunda, "Üstün Ateş Gücü ile Barış"ın ("Peace through Superior Firepower") ilk ve son sözü uçak gemisidir. İkinci Dünya Savaşı gemileri, modern muadillerinin çoğundan daha küçüktü, ancak modern gemilerden daha fazla, hatta çok daha fazla fazla uçak taşıyordu (ortalama pervaneli uçak, modern bir jetle karşılaştırıldığında olumlu bir şekilde küçüktü). Her iki durumda da, savaş sırasında uçak gemileri, bugün uçak gemilerinin yaptığı rolün hemen hemen aynısını gerçekleştiriyordu: gemilere, uçaklara ve kara hedeflerine karşı ezici bir güç sağlamak.

Savaş Gemileri

Büyük silahlı bir savaş gemisi, bir samuray kılıcına çok benzerdir: Görülmesi muhteşem, ölümcül, güçlü ve çok korkulan, ancak modern savaşta nihayetinde oldukça işe yaramaz. "Savaş gemisi diplomasisi" günleri, Japonya ve Amerika'nın uçak gemisini üstün hüküm sürdüğü noktaya kadar geliştirdiği İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda sona erdi. 45.000 yarda mermi fırlatabilen bir savaş gemisi, uçaklarını 450 mil menzile getirebilecek bir uçak gemisine karşı çaresizdi. Şimdiye kadar yapılmış en güçlü savaş gemileri olan Yamato ve Musashi bile hava saldırısına uğradı ve bu devasa silahların düşman savaş gemilerine saldırmaktan çok kıyı bombardımanı için kullanıldığı ortaya çıktı. Sonunda, savaş gemileri çıkarma birliklerini destekledi ve uçak gemilerine ekstra uçaksavar koruması sağladı.

"Savaş gemisi" (battleship) kelimesi bazı insanlar tarafından "savaş gemisi" (warship) yerine kullanılsa da teknik olarak yanlıştır (ve can sıkıcı): Bir zırhlı aslında, döner kulelerde devasa topları ve düşman zırhlılarından gelen mermileri emmek için bol miktarda zırhı olan, "belirli" bir savaş gemisi (warship) türüdür. Terim, "Savaş Gemisi Hattı" (Line of Battle Ship) haline gelen "Savaş Hattı Gemisi"nden (Ship of the Line of Battle) ve 19. yüzyılın sonlarında sadece "Savaş Gemisi"nden (Battleship) ortaya çıktı. 20. yüzyılın şafağında, bir savaş gemisine sahip olan herhangi bir ülke, (bugünkü nükleer silahlara sahip ülkeler gibi) ağırlığını ortaya koyabilecek prestijli, seçkin bir ulus grubuna aitti; mayınlara, denizaltılara ve uçaklara karşı savunmasız oldukları ortaya çıktı. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, en ünlülerinden biri, batık USS Arizona zırhlısının arkasında Pearl Harbor'da demirleyen USS Missouri olan birkaç korunmuş savaş gemisi var.

Ağır Kruvazörler ve Hafif Kruvazörler

Ağır kruvazörler, büyük topları ve zırh kaplamalarıyla normal zırhlılarla kolayca karıştırılabilir, ancak hem silah hem de zırh açısından her zaman daha küçük, daha ince ve çok daha hafiftirler. Bu gemiler, daha büyük gemiler için eskort olarak, düşman ticari gemilerini yok etmeyi amaçlayan "ticaret akıncıları" olarak başladı. Birçoğu güçlü motorlarla ve onlara hızlı hareket eden uçak gemilerine ayak uydurabilmeleri için hız veren uzun, dar bir gövdeyle inşa edildi ve savaş gemileri gibi karadaki birliklere hayati ateş desteği sağladılar.

Hafif kruvazörler ağır kruvazörlere daha az benziyordu, çok daha küçük silahlarla ve daha zayıf zırhlarla inşa edildi ve çoğunlukla daha küçük yüzey gemileriyle savaşmak veya muhrip gruplarını saldırıya yönlendirmek için tasarlandı.

Modern kruvazörler ve modern muhripler rollerinde örtüşür, ancak bazı Soğuk Savaş dönemi kruvazörleri nükleer güçle ayırt edilirler ve bu da onlara pratik olarak sınırsız menzil sağlar. Kirov sınıfı füze kruvazörü, yeni bir gemi türü değil, özellikle büyük modern bir kruvazördür.

Muhripler ve Fırkateynler

Muhripler (destroyer), savaş gemilerinin yanlarında delik açmakla tehdit eden torpido taşıyan tekneleri yok etmeye başladılar, bu yüzden isimleri böyledir. Bununla birlikte, muhripler kısa sürede boyut, hız ve yıkıcı güç olarak büyüdü ve zırhlıları, yan gövdelerinde delikler açma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya bıraktı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan kalma Japon muhripleri hızlı, güçlüydü ve özellikle geceleri uyandıklarında ölümcül olan torpido bataryalarıyla donanmışlardı. Modern muhripler, torpidoları gemi karşıtı rollerinde kullanmazlar, bunun yerine denizaltılardan kurtulmak için kullanırlar.

Fırkateynler, şu anda tanımlandığı şekliyle, muhriplerden tipik olarak daha küçük ve daha kısa menzilli olan ve tam boyutlu bir muhripin gereksiz olduğu görevleri üstlenmeleri amaçlanan gemilerdir.

Modern muhripler ve fırkateynler, düşman uçaklarını, denizaltılarını ve gemilerini yok etmek için füzeler ve torpidolar kullanır. Amerikan, Çin, Hint, Rus ve Japon donanmaları tarafından kullanılan türden büyük günümüz muhripleri, büyüklük ve yetenek bakımından kruvazörlerle büyük ölçüde örtüşmektedir. Fırkateynlerin büyüklük ve ateş gücü olarak muhripleri yakalamasıyla, modern gemiler arasındaki "muhribat", "kruvazör" ve "firkateyn" arasındaki ayrım bulanıklaşıyor.


"Denizaltı botları" (submarine boats) veya "denizaltı botları" (undersea boats) (Almanca'da Unterseeboot ismi tam olarak bu demektir) olarak yola çıkan denizaltılar, 19. yüzyılda çeşitli biçimlerde denenmişti ancak ilk gerçek modern askeri denizaltılar, çoğu Almanya'da inşa edilen 20. yüzyılın başında ortaya çıktı. Her iki Dünya Savaşı sırasında da denizaltıların ticari gemileri batırmada son derece etkili olduğu ortaya çıktı; İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Japonya'yı gıda ve temel hammaddelerden mahrum bıraktı ve her iki savaşta da İngiltere'yi neredeyse açlıktan öldürdü. Modern nükleer denizaltılar çok daha az savunmasız olsa da, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında denizaltı karşıtı savaştaki ilerlemeler gelgiti denizaltıların aleyhine çevirdi. Nükleer enerjili balistik füze denizaltıları, şimdiye kadar denize açılan en güçlü ve tehlikeli deniz gemileridir.

Karakter İsimleri (İkinci Dünya Savaşı Dönemi Japon İmparatorluk Donanması Savaş Gemileri)

IJN Akagi(赤城)

(Ritsuko ve Naoko Akagi'nin)

IJN Akagi

Akagi, tüm Japon savaş gemilerinin en ünlülerinden biriydi ve kesinlikle en ünlü Japon uçak gemisiydi. Akagi, 1920'de Amagi sınıfı bir muharebe kruvazörü olarak atıldı ve 1922 Washington Donanma Antlaşması sayesinde uçak gemisine dönüştürüldü: 1922 Washington Donanma Antlaşması; Amerika, Birleşik Krallık, Fransa, İtalya ve Japonya arasında, tüm uluslara savaş gemisi tasarımı ve üretimine sınırlamalar getiren ve inşa edebileceği toplam gemi ağırlığını kısıtlama konusunda Japonya için oldukça hayal kırıklığı yaratan bir anlaşmadır. Akagi'nin "Kızıl Kale" anlamına gelen adı, Japonya'nın Gunma Eyaletindeki Akagi Dağı'ndan (赤城山,Akagi-san) aynı adı taşıyan bir dağdan gelir (Savaş kruvazörü adını korurken, amaca yönelik uçak gemilerine gerçek veya efsanevi uçan yaratıkların adı verildi). Akagi, hangarları ve uçuş güvertesi üzerine inşa edilmiş orijinal muharebe kruvazörü tasarımının gövdesine ve motorlarına sahip olduğundan, hızlı ve güçlüydü, ilk uçak gemilerinin en iyilerinden biriydi.

Akagi, 7 Aralık 1941'de Pearl Harbor'a düzenlenen ve Oahu'da iki dalga uçak fırlatan Koramiral Chuichi Nagumo'nun amiral gemisi olarak hizmet ettiğinde tarihteki yerini mühürledi. Sonraki altı ay boyunca sürekli olarak aktif oldu ve Yeni Gine'deki Bismarck adalarındaki Rabaul limanının işgalini desteklemek gibi Pasifik'teki diğer kampanyalarda görev yaptı. Uçağı, dünyanın ilk amaca yönelik uçak gemisi İngiliz uçak gemisi HMS Hermes de dahil olmak üzere birçok gemiyi batırdı.

Akagi'nin son savaşı Midway Muharebesiydi ve burada kaybedilen dört Japon gemisinden biri olacaktı ve bu yenilgi, Pasifik'teki Japon İmparatorluğu'nun sonunun başlangıcını tetikleyecekti. 4 Haziran 1942'de Akagi, Uçuş Teğmen Richard Best'in USS Enterprise uçak gemisinden üç pike bombardıman uçağı bölümü tarafından saldırıya uğradı. Akagi, en sonunda tamamen kontrolden çıkan bir yangını başlatan ileri asansöre -Best'in kendisinden- bir darbe aldı. Akagi'nin kıç tarafı ramak kala dümeni tıkayan şok hasarına neden oldu. Yangın ve patlayan mühimmat nedeniyle ciddi şekilde hasar gördü, ancak hâlâ yüzüyordu, ertesi gün dört muhripten gelen torpidolar tarafından suya düştü. Akagi, kaybedilen dört uçak gemisinin en şanslısıydı ve tüm mürettebat arasında en az ölüme maruz kaldı.

Savaş gemilerinde sıklıkla olduğu gibi, Akagi Japon Donanması'nın bu ismi taşıyan ilk gemisi değildi. İlk Akagi, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında Maya sınıfı bir savaş gemisiydi. (Evangelion terimleriyle oldukça ironik, çünkü Maya Ibuki, Ritsuko Akagi'ye karşılıksız bir aşıktır). Adını taşıyıcıdan almasına rağmen, Ritsuko'nun soyadı, "Kızıl ağaç" anlamına gelen 赤木 olarak farklı karakterlerle yazılmaktadır ("ağaç" anlamına gelen ki 木 karakteridir).

IJN Aoba(青葉)

(Namesake of Shigeru Aoba)

IJN Aoba

Aoba was the lead vessel in the two-ship Aoba class of heavy cruiser, a little on the older and weaker side when the Second World War broke out, but fairly tough for a ship of its size. It mounted six eight-inch guns in three twin turrets, two facing forwards and one facing the rear of the ship, giving it less firepower than most contemporary cruisers, but compensating in part with its torpedo armament.

As the flagship of Japanese cruiser division six, Aoba was engaged in the invasion of Guam during the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, being based out of Truk in the Caroline Islands and providing protection for Japanese troops landing on the Solomon Islands.

After seeing off the Battle of Coral Sea, she participated in the Battle of Savo Island in August 1942, where Japanese warships engaged American vessels in a night gun and torpedo battle. The Japanese Navy had invested heavily in torpedoes and night-fighting techniques to counter the significantly larger U.S. Navy, and they put that investment to good effect. Three American warships and one Australian warship were sunk, and three more damaged. The Battle of Savo Island was one of the most humiliating defeats faced by the United States Navy in a straight battle, and the Aoba was a part of it.

At the Battle of Cape Esperance in October of the same year, Aoba was severely damaged by forty 6-inch and 8-inch shells, but eventually returned to Japan for repairs. Serving mostly in escort duties for the rest of the war, she was damaged again and again by aircraft and submarine attacks, and was finally brought to the Japanese port of Kure as a reserve ship after the damage was deemed beyond repair.

Aoba was converted into an anti-aircraft hulk after yet another bombing, and a final bomb raid in July 1945 put this hardy survivor out of action once and for all. Her wreck was scrapped after the end of the war.

IJN Ayanami(綾波)

IJN Ayanami

(Namesake of Rei Ayanami)

Ayanami was the first of the Type-II Fubuki class destroyers, an improved version of what was the world's first modern destroyer. Ayanami served as a namesake for her particular model (Although her sister Shikinami was the first to be completed and brought into service, Ayanami had been laid down a full six months earlier).

The old Fubuki-class was bigger, faster and more powerful than any other destroyer type in existence during the 1920s, with fully enclosed bridges and armaments (which protected crews from the elements and provided vastly superior working conditions). The Ayanami subclass was distinguished from the preceding vessels by a gun turret that could elevate to 75 degrees instead of just 40 degrees, making her the first destroyer in the world to have a main gun that could be put to anti-aircraft use (the gun was too slow to aim at aircraft in practice, however). Like other vessels of the Fubuki class, Ayanami was heavily armed, with three triple torpedo tube launchers for the deadly 610mm Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedo, a weapon with a higher speed, longer range and heavier punch than any of its foreign counterparts. Ayanami's torpedoes could blow a gaping hole in any ship at twenty kilometers, while U.S. destroyers would have to close to half the distance to use their own torpedoes.

In December 1941, Ayanami, along with her sister ships Uranami and Yugiri, sank the Dutch submarine O-20 and in March 1942, Ayanami provided close cover for the invasion of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. In addition, she served as an escort for Admiral Yamamoto's main body during the Battle of Midway, forming Destroyer Division 19 along with her sister ships Isonami, Shikinami and Uranami.

Ayanami's last action was the Second Battle of Guadalcanal on the night of November 14-15, 1942, along with the Uranami and Nagara, sinking or inflicting severe damage on multiple U.S. destroyers before being spotted and shelled by the battleship USS Washington. Suffering critical damage and with forty of her crew killed, the rest evacuated either to Guadalcanal by boat or to the Uranami. She was scuttled by a single torpedo from the Uranami. Her wreck was discovered at the bottom of Ironbottom Sound by marine archaeologist Robert Ballard(of Titanic and Bismarck fame) in late July 1992.

IJN Fuyutsuki(冬月)

IJN Fuyutsuki

(Namesake of Kozo Fuyutsuki)

Fuyutsuki was an Akizuki-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy, her name literally meaning "Winter Moon." For a fairly advanced and potent vessel capable of providing anti-aircraft support fire to capital ships, her wartime record is pretty unremarkable. Fuyutsuki served mostly to escort transports or other lower-priority vessels, although she took a torpedo hit in the bows on 12 October 1944 from the submarine USS Trepang, being repaired and returned to service by January the next year. Fuyutsuki does have one claim to fame: she was one of the mighty battleship Yamato's escorts during the huge vessel's suicide mission in Operation Ten-Go, and rescued survivors after the Yamato was sunk by American aircraft. On August 20, 1945, Fuyutsuki was crippled by a mine, and surrendered unrepaired and without armament. Three months later she was struck from the Navy List, serving as a breakwater before being scrapped.

Of special mention in a page dedicated to vessels found in Evangelion, the Fuyutsuki's role in saving Yamato's crew was replicated in popular culture in a franchise loved by Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno : a space destroyer of the same name appears in the movie Final Yamato of the Space Battleship Yamato franchise and evacuates the crew of the eponymous space battleship in a reference to the real destroyer's most famous deed.

IJN Hyuga(日向)

IJN Hyuga (As pure battleship)

(Namesake of Makoto Hyuga)

Hyuga was built as an Ise-class battleship, a heavily redesigned version of the previous Fuso-class battleship. Both these battleship types were strange-looking ships, with main gun turrets along most of their length. Their armor had to be thinned due to being distributed along such a significant portion of the ship's length, which made them somewhat poorly protected. Completed in 1918, Hyuga was updated extensively between 1926 to 1928 and again between 1934 to 1936.

After the disastrous Battle of Midway where four aircraft carriers were lost, the IJN considered converting all battleships except for the Yamato and Musashi into aircraft carriers, eventually settling on a scheme of converting the oldest and least useful battleships into hybrid battleships/carriers, having the aircraft take off from the battleship-carriers and land on conventional carriers or land bases. In the end, the lack of aircraft and the sheer impracticality of the arrangement made Hyuga and Ise useless in this role. As a consequence, their role in the war was nearly nil, placed in limbo due to being neither full battleships nor proper carriers.

Hyuga was beached in shallow waters during an attack by American aircraft near Kure in July 1945. After the war's end, she was raised and scrapped.

Hyuga was named for the Hyuga province in Kyushu.

IJN Ibuki(伊吹)

(Another namesake of Maya Ibuki)

The incomplete IJN Ibuki

Ibuki was a ship that was never completed. She was meant to be an improved version of the powerful Mogami-class heavy cruiser, with the weight limitations of the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty removed to make as good a warship design as possible.

Her construction was slowed after the Battle of Midway to give way to aircraft carrier production, before she was converted to a full aircraft carrier herself. However, bombing and acute material shortages made construction impossible by March 1945. She was 80 percent complete when she surrendered to occupying forces in September and was scrapped two years later.

IJN Katsuragi(葛城)

IJN Katsuragi

(Namesake of Misato Katsuragi)

Katsuragi was an Unryu-class aircraft carrier of the IJN. The Unryu class took Hiryu's configuration(Hiryu herself being a slightly larger modification of Soryu) and placed the island structure on the starboard/right side of the ship consistently (Akagi and Hiryu had their islands on the port/left). They also replaced the very powerful engines of the Hiryu and Soryu with weaker powerplants borrowed from cruiser or destroyer designs to speed up production and reduce some cost, making them slower. Finished late in the war, Katsuragi did not commit to any serious action, serving mostly as a ferry for "Okha" kamikaze rocket aircraft. Surviving the war, she landed up ferrying returning troops until she was scrapped in 1947.

Unlike Unryu but like Amagi, Katsuragi was named after a mountain in accordance with heavy cruiser naming conventions, instead of after a mythical flying creature. Katsuragi was named after Mount Katsuragi, also called Mount Yamato Katsuragi, in what is presently Nara Prefecture in Japan. The first character, 葛, stands for "Kudzu" and is more commonly translated as "vine", and 城, pronounced "gi" in this combination, means "castle", leading to a literal meaning of "Vine castle" or "Kudzu castle".

IJN Kirishima(霧島)

(Non-canonical Mana Kirishima)

IJN Kirishima

Kirishima was a Kongo-class battlecruiser, one of the best warships in the world at the time of her commissioning in 1915, having a superb mix of speed, hitting power and armor protection (Although battlecruisers were poorly armored compared to battleships, the Kongos were well protected for their time). The Kongo class had been designed by Sir George Thurston and Kongo herself had been built by Vickers in Great Britain, with the ships of this class sharing several design features with the British Lion-class battlecruisers. British battlecruisers of the time were built with very limited armor and with a large number of open, non-watertight compartments above the waterline to ease crew movement within the ship, a design detail that would prove fatal.

In 1933-34 she was extensively modernized and converted into a "fast battleship", 4000 tons heavier than before, but retaining many of the original design features. All ships of the class, once modernized, proved to be immensely useful, even if they were the oldest capital ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Kirishima served as an escort for the Carrier Striking Force during the attack on Pearl Harbor and beyond, including during their brief rampage in the Indian Ocean and the disastrous Battle of Midway. She participated in the Battle of the Eastern Solomons and the Battle of Santa Cruz. On November 15, 1942 Kirishima engaged American vessels during the Battle of Guadalcanal, inflicting damage on the battleship South Dakota. However, the battleship Washington, only seven kilometers away, had not been spotted, and it shelled Kirishima with radar-directed gunfire from both her main and secondary batteries. Heavily damaged from twenty sixteen-inch shell hits and on fire(no amount of modernization could up-armor her to true battleship standards), Kirishima fled the battle. Damage from the heavy shells caused the upper decks to flood, and the lack of watertightness for the upper decks meant that counterflooding measures to reduce the ship's list only increased the flooding by causing water entering the shell holes to slosh from one side of the ship to the other, eventually causing her to capsize. Her wreck was discovered in 1992 by Robert Ballard (famous for exploring the wrecks of the Titanic and the battleship Bismarck).

IJN Kitakami(北上)

Kitakami prior to "torpedo cruiser" conversion

(Namesake of Midori Kitakami) Named after a river, the light cruiser Kitakami was a rather unremarkable vessel of the Kuma-class until it was modified as a "torpedo cruiser" with ten quadruple torpedo tube mounts for a total of 40 (!!!) torpedo tubes. As such, American warships were lucky not to encounter this deadly vessel in a night fight during the early years of the war, when their lack of radar and inferior optics would have made them easy targets for this ship's colossal torpedo firepower. Kitakami never put her torpedo batteries to full use and landed up performing a whole lot of odd jobs during the war, eventually acting as a carrier for the Kaiten kamikaze minisubmarine/manned torpedo. She landed up surviving the war, being scrapped in 1946-47.

IJN Maya(摩耶)

IJN Maya

(First namesake of Maya Ibuki)

Maya was one of the four Takao-class heavy cruisers, named after a mountain (摩耶山 Maya-san) near Kobe. This particular class of cruiser was meant to act as a substitute fleet flagship in place of a battleship. As such, Maya and her sisters were distinguished by a huge, battleship-like bridge structure and heavy gun and torpedo armament, and Maya herself would have been a formidable combatant in a fight against American cruisers, had such a battle taken place. She was sunk by submarine attack on October 23, 1944, during the Battle of the Palawan Straits.

The name Maya, like Akagi, was used previously in the Maya class of gunboats, which is ironic given Maya's unrequited crush on Ritsuko Akagi in the series. Further of note is that the mountain is named directly after a person - Maya the Mother of Buddha (摩耶夫人) so it is likely that Maya would share her given name with the ship if both were written in Kanji (as 摩耶).

IJN Musashi(武蔵)

(Non-canonical Musashi Lee Strasberg, Girlfriend of Steel)

IJN Musashi

Musashi was the sister ship of the mighty Yamato, one of the two the largest, most heavily armed and armored battleships ever constructed. These monsters had armor two feet thick on their turret fronts, and each of their nine main guns could fire a shell 18 inches in diameter and weighing as much as a family car to a distance of forty kilometers. Unfortunately for the Japanese, their poor choice of engine design had led to these monsters being very fuel-inefficient, and neither of them ventured far.

Serving as Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's flagship after her commissioning, Musashi was also to return his ashes to Japan (After being killed when the aircraft carrying him was shot down in a special U.S. Army Air Forces operation, a rare 'assassination'). She joined the Yamato for the Battle of Leyte Gulf and on October 24, 1944 she was attacked by American carrier-based aircraft. Struck by 17 bombs and 20 torpedoes (and possibly even more: whatever be the case, this ship took an incredible thrashing), the great battleship keeled over and sank taking over a thousand of her 2399 crew with her, the rest being rescued by the accompanying destroyers. Musashi remained one of the greatest undiscovered shipwrecks of the Second World War and the largest undiscovered shipwreck in history until she was discovered by Paul Allen on March 02, 2015.

IJN Nagara(長良)

(Namesake of Sumire Nagara)

IJN Nagara profile

A light cruiser of the early 1920s, named after a river. Rather obsolescent during the outbreak of World War Two, this ship's main claim to fame was being Admiral Nagumo's flagship during the Battle of Midway following Akagi's abandonment. It otherwise served as the lead ship of a destroyer squadron. Torpedoed and sunk by the submarine USS Croaker in 1944.

IJN Soryu(蒼龍 )

IJN Soryu

(Namesake of Asuka and Kyoko)

Soryu was the first purpose-built heavy aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy, built solely as a carrier and based on the experience learnt with the older carriers Akagi (converted from a half-built battlecruiser) and Kaga (converted from a half-built battleship). At the time of her introduction, she was the fastest carrier in the world, with a speed of 34.5 knots. She was capable of matching the Kaga's maximum speed at only forty percent of her full power, and her twin rudders gave her exceptional maneuverability. Soryu was followed by her modified sister ship Hiryu, which was almost 2000 tons heavier and had a different flight deck and island configuration.

Soryu was one of the six aircraft carriers to take part in the attack on Pearl Harbor, and served in numerous other pacific campaigns in the months to follow. On June 4, 1942, the Soryu was attacked by dive bombers from the USS Yorktown, taking three bomb hits. Two penetrated the upper hangar deck, and the third penetrated down to the lower hangar deck before exploding, breaking water mains, rupturing aviation gas lines, puncturing boiler steam lines and setting off a chain reaction among the armed and fueled planes stored inside the hangar decks. The loss of power led to Soryu being hastily abandoned before being scuttled by destroyer torpedoes later in the night. Soryu's relatively light build caused the ship to suffer exensive structural damage, and the fewer decks posed greater danger to the crews in the engine room and other internal spaces due to the proximity to fires and explosions. She lost 711 of her 1103 crew, the highest fraction of crew among the four carriers lost at Midway, because of the fires being in both her hangar decks.

All purpose-built Japanese carriers were named after mythical or sacred flying creatures. In this case, Soryu literally means green(or blue) dragon. Asuka's surname, although a homophone of the carrier's name, is spelt instead as 惣流, the two Kanji individually meaning "everything/all" and "flow/flux/current/stream".

IJN Sakura and IJN Sumire (suspect)

(May be namesakes of Sakura Suzuhara and Sumire Nagara) IJN Sakura was a Matsu-class destroyer and IJN Sumire was a Matsu Flight-II or Tachibana-class destroyer. The Matsus and Tachibanas were named after trees or flowers, with Sakura being the Japanese word for cherry blossoms (iconic in Japanese art and symbolic of the samurai) and Sumire being the Japanese violet. This entry has been listed as 'suspect' because both Sakura and Sumire are completely legitimate female names in Japan - Sakura in particular is extremely popular - and the characters may have been named after the same flowers as the warships. This placeholder entry remains pending confirmation that Sakura and Sumire were indeed named after the destroyers in question.

IJN Takao(高雄)

IJN Takao

(Namesake of Koji Takao) The heavy cruiser Takao was named after a mountain, in the same vein as Japanese heavy cruisers and battlecruisers. First in its class, it was completed in 1932 and was one of the world's most powerful cruisers at the time, with ten eight-inch guns and sixteen 24-inch torpedo tubes. As such, they were very powerful adversaries for other cruisers, during day or night. The Takao-class were distinguished by their huge bridge structures, which led to them being routinely confused for battleships. Takao was seriously damaged by two torpedoes from USS Darter in 1944. Sent to Singapore, the extent of the repairs made heading for a Japanese yard necessary. With tow impossible at that time in the war, Takao was laid up as a floating AA battery, and was subsequently damaged even further by British midget submarine XE3. It was scrapped after the war.

IJN Tama(多摩)

IJN Tama

(Namesake of Hideki Tama) Named after a river, the Tama was a Kuma-class light cruiser (the same as the Kitakami). Unlike Kitakami and Oi, it did not undergo "torpedo cruiser" conversion. Tama went about a long number of odd jobs throughout the war before being caught in the Battle of Cape Engano. Torpedoed in a boiler room during a large airstrike, the seriously damaged Tama was sent off towards Okinawa. En route, it was torpedoed and sunk with all hands by the USS Jallao.

Karakter İsimleri (Japon Deniz Öz Savunma Kuvvetleri Gemileri)

Due to the changed 'settei' (roughly, 'background') of the main characters in the Rebuild of Evangelion/Evangelion New Movie Edition, Hideaki Anno chose to rename the three female pilots after vessels of the post-war JMSDF rather than of the old Imperial Navy. At present, the three pilots have been confirmed by Anno to have been named for the post-war Ayanami-class destroyers of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. This information came from a translated interview by Hideaki Anno - previously, Asuka Langley Shikinami and Mari Illustrious Makinami were assumed to have been named after the World War Two era Shikinami and Makinami respectively, and Rei, who retains her original name in full, was assumed to have been named after the same warship as her NGE counterpart. Since the information on the post-war vessels is limited and hard to come across, the historical information on their far more interesting World War Two era namesakes has been preserved for archival purposes.

JMSDF Ayanami (DD-103)

JMSDF destroyer Ayanami

(Namesake of Rei Ayanami in Rebuild) The Rebuild incarnation of Rei Ayanami is named after the first ship of the Ayanami class, which in turn was named after the World War Two destroyer Ayanami (listed above). These destroyers were armed with American-pattern guns and torpedo tubes and meant as anti-submarine escort vessels, all of them being named after World War II era Fubuki- and Yugumo-class destroyers.

JMSDF Shikinami (DD-106)

Placeholder space due to lack of English-language content on the JMSDF Shikinami - the information on her IJN predecessor fills this for now.

JMSDF Makinami (DD-112)

JMSDF destroyer Makinami

Last of the Ayanami-class destroyers.

IJN Shikinami(敷波)

IJN Shikinami

(Confirmed by Hideaki Anno that Asuka's Rebuild name, Asuka Shikinami Langley, actually comes from the post-war destroyer Shikinami, not from the Imperial Navy vessel. However, it is assumed that the Ayanami-class destroyer has the same Kanji in its name.)

Shikinami was a Type-II Fubuki class destroyer, the same model as the Ayanami. Although she was completed and commissioned before the Ayanami, she was ordered later, and construction on her began a full six months later, which is why her subclass is named "Ayanami" and not "Shikinami". Like all Fubuki-class vessels, she possessed armament and performance well ahead of other destroyers of her time.

Along with Ayanami, Isonami and Uranami, she was assigned to Destroyer Division 19 of the Japanese 2nd Fleet in 1941, and served as an escort in Admiral Yamamoto's main fleet during the Battle of Midway. She survived the Second Battle of Guadalcanal(In which Ayanami and Kirishima were lost) and allied air attacks during the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. She continued serving in escort duties until she was torpedoed and sunk by the submarine USS Growler (SS-215) on 12 September 1944.

Although Asuka's Rebuild incarnation was named after the Shikinami's Ayanami-class namesake, the Kanji used are different. The "Shiki" in Asuka Shikinami stands for "ceremony" rather than for "spreading".

IJN Makinami(巻波)

(Correction - not actually the namesake of Mari Illustrious Makinami, because Mari is named after the post-war Ayanami class destroyer Makinami. Same case as Rei Ayanami and Asuka Shikinami in Rebuild. Confirmed by Anno himself.)

Makinami was a Yugumo-class destroyer, her name meaning "overflowing waves". Makinami escorted the battleships Kongo and Haruna and heavy cruisers Maya and Myoko in the shelling of Henderson Field during the Guadalcanal campaign, running numerous transport runs to the island. She was sunk by torpedoes and gunfire during the battle of Cape St. George on 24-25 November 1943.

Karakter İsimleri (İsmi Japonca Olmayan Savaş Gemileri)

USS Langley(CV-1)

USS Langley

(Namesake of Asuka and her father Langley)

USS Langley was the first aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, being converted from the collier USS Jupiter, the Navy's first ship to have turboelectric propulsion (Steam-powered generators powering electric motors that turn the propellers). Named after aviation pioneer Samuel Pierpont Langley, she was later converted into a seaplane tender. On February 27, 1942, land based Japanese bombers scored five bomb hits on her. Abandoned after fires and flooding, she was scuttled by her escorts. James Lee says "No one actually saw the Langley sink" (perhaps connected with how Asuka's death or turning into LCL is not depicted at all in End of Evangelion). Coincidentally, thanks to the Japanese practice of having a nine-plane unit or chutai, USS Langley faced off the same number of attackers as Asuka did at the end of the series.

DKM Graf Zeppelin

DKM Graf Zeppelin

(Namesake of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu)

Graf Zeppelin was an aircraft carrier of the Deutsche Kriegsmarine (DKM) that was canceled when it was 95 percent complete, resources being diverted to U-Boat construction instead. The incomplete carrier fell into the hands of the Soviet Union. On 16 August 1947, it was sunk in a simulation exercise aimed at sinking a carrier, which was deemed necessary considering a possible future war with the United States. The wreck was discovered close to the Polish port of Łeba in July 2006.

HMS Illustrious

HMS Illustrious

(First namesake of Mari Illustrious Makinami) HMS Illustrious was the fourth ship of her name, an aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy. Nicknamed "Lusty", Illustrious served in the Mediterranean, where she took part in the raid on Taranto, and later suffered extensive damage from aerial attack. After a long period in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, she was shifted to the British Pacific Fleet, covering the landings at Okinawa and taking three strikes from kamikaze aircraft. Seriously damaged in the last strike, she was under repair till the war ended, at which point she was reclassified as a training ship, with her speed restricted to 22 knots by wartime damage. Refitted and modernized in 1948, she served for another six years before being decommissioned and scrapped.

Fransız Savaş Gemisi Strasbourg

(Possible second namesake of non-canonical Musashi Lee Strasberg - not counting "Lee" as a ship name, which it happens to be.) The French Battleship Strasbourg was the second ship of the Dunkerque class, and built with heavier armor than her sister as a response to the Italian Littorio-class battleships. During the Second World War, Strasbourg escaped serious damage during the British attack on the anchored French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir and headed for Toulon. On 27 November 1942, the Strasbourg was scuttled with the rest of the French fleet at Toulon to prevent its seizure by the Germans. It was refloated by the Italians, seized by the German, sunk again by American air attack, refloated again (and found too badly damaged to be usable), used as a testbed for underwater explosions until condemned and scrapped in 1955.

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8. Bölüm, Evangelion 3.0 ve Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0'da Görülen Savaş Gemileri

This consists of the real-life vessels that Gainax included in Episode 08 as part of the United Nations Pacific Fleet escorting Eva-02 to Japan. It has been expanded to include the real-life vessels seen in Evangelion 3.0 as AAA Wunder's escort fleet as well as in Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0.

USS Harry S. Truman

(In Evangelion, it was renamed "Over the Rainbow" and used as Pacific Fleet Flagship. Its reactors provided electrical energy for Eva-02 and the flight deck served as the stage for a short brawl between Eva-02 and Gaghiel in Episode 08.)

USS Harry S. Truman is an American Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, and that makes it one of the most powerful warships afloat, capable of taking ninety to a hundred combat aircraft anywhere in the world. The presence of a Nimitz-class carrier in any part of the world is, in layman's terms, big business. Truman is the eighth carrier, being named after the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S. Truman. Two more Nimitz-class carriers- the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS George H.W. Bush, have been built after the Truman, with additional modifications added along the way.

The Truman was the last carrier built before the year 2000, construction being underway at the time Evangelion aired. When it was officially commissioned (brought into service as a warship) on July 25, 1998, President Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker of the commissioning ceremony. Based in Norfolk, Virginia (As of this writing), her crew has won several awards, and the ship has taken part in numerous exercises and operations. It took part in five weeks of relief efforts in the Gulf Coast following the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (Genel bilgi) (Resmi olmayan internet sitesi) (Resmi internet sitesi)

USS Abraham Lincoln

USS Abraham Lincoln

The USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) is a Nimitz-class supercarrier, of the same class as the Harry S. Truman. It is seen in the support fleet for AAA Wunder in Evangelion 3.0. The ship is better known in real life for being the Aircraft Carrier that then-President George W. Bush landed on in the Persian Gulf in 2003 to give his "Mission Accomplished" speech.

USS Independence

USS Independence

Seen in Evangelion 3.0. The USS Independence (CV-62) was an old Forrestal-class supercarrier of the United States Navy. Built in the 1950s in order to carry the increasingly large jet aircraft that were entering Naval service at the time, the four Forrestal-class supercarriers were the largest in the world at the time of their commissioning, surpassing the Second World War Japanese carrier Shinano in displacement, and greatly exceeding that vessel in both size and aircraft capacity. The nuclear-powered USS Enterprise was a derivative of the Forrestal-class design. The Independence, like all other Forrestal-class carriers, has been decommissioned and scrapped.

USS George H.W. Bush

Seen in Evangelion 3.0 and possibly in Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0. The last of the Nimitz-class carriers and a partial transition towards the new Gerald R. Ford class of carriers, USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is one of those rare ships named after a person who had been living at the time of her commissioning - others being the destroyer USS Arleigh Burke and her sister ship, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76). It has, among other features, a smaller, repositioned island and a different, modular construction unlike that on older Nimitz-class carriers.

USS Gerald R. Ford

USS Gerald Ford, profile

Seen in Evangelion 3.0 and possibly in Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0. The USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) is the first ship of her class of aircraft carrier, being the heaviest US aircraft carrier and the heaviest warship ever built as of 2019. Unlike all the other vessels seen in Wunder's support fleet, it was under construction at the time of the show's production. It was christened in November 2013 but was not commissioned until July 2017. It incorporates a large number of improvements in design over the Nimitz-class carriers and advanced technology, such as superior electricity generation and aircraft handling, better "future proofing" for later improvements, and electromagnetic rather than steam catapults.

Heavy Missile Cruiser Kirov(Currently Admiral Ushakov)

(In-series: Seen only on a display in Episode 08 with the battleships Illinois and Kentucky.)

Kirov was the first ship belonging to Russian Navy Project 1144 Orlan(Sea Eagle, the Russians named big ships after birds), classified by the Russians as a "Heavy Missile Cruiser" and known in the west as the Kirov-class battlecruiser (Note: Russians do not put their ships into "classes" named after the first vessel, as in the west). Kirov and her sister ships Frunze, Kalinin and Yuri Andropov (Renamed Admiral Ushakov, Admiral Lazarev, Admiral Nakhimov and Peter the Great respectively after the fall of the USSR) are the four largest and most powerful missile cruisers ever built, designed to attack American aircraft carriers and their escorts with their huge missiles. Classified as "heavy missile cruisers" in Russia and "Battlecruisers" in the west (Real battlecruisers are long gone, the moniker was adopted due to their size and armament), the appearance of these vessels was a factor in the reintroduction of the World War Two era Iowa class battleships in the 1980s.

Real naval ner...err, fans, please take note of the CBGN designation. NATO designations come direct from the old US Navy designations, and the USN had designated battlecruisers as "CC" (The Lexington class would have been CC-1 to CC-6 had they been completed as such) and used the "CB" designation for the "large cruisers" of the Alaska class. The Kirov CBGN designation would therefore come down to "Large cruiser, guided missile, nuclear", which meshes perfectly with the Russian designation and describes the vessels far more accurately than as "battlecruisers". Why didn't they just call them "large cruisers" or simply "cruisers"? *Shrugs*

Powered by two nuclear reactors with auxiliary steam propulsion (it sounds peculiar, but it actually makes a lot of sense), they carry twenty massive P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles, appropriately called the SS-N-19 "Shipwreck" by NATO. They have a formidable battery of anti-aircraft missiles, and an assortment of anti-submarine and close-in weapons systems, and assorted electronics systems. Weapons and electronics vary from ship to ship, with the last ship, Peter the Great, being the most advanced. At present, the surviving vessels have their condition threatened by poor maintenance and a lack of funding, although the Russian Navy does want to bring them back into their prior operational condition. (General information and links)

Komuta Kontrol Gemisi SSV-33 Ural

SSV-33 underway

(In series: Seen - possibly as a second unit named Ural-II in Evangelion 2.0 where it serves as a Nerv command ship)

In-series article: Ural II

The SSV-33 Ural command ship or Project 1941 Titan in Soviet parlance was a large command-and-control ship with extensive electronics and communications equipment, based on the hull of the Kirov-class cruiser and with the same combined nuclear and steam powerplant. This massive vessel served in electronics intelligence gathering, missile tracking, and communications relay roles. Despite being a very powerful and capable vessel, its high operating costs and the decay of its extremely expensive equipment over the years after the fall of the Soviet Union meant that it was laid up for scrapping. Unconfirmed statements suggest that the ship was entirely scrapped by the end of 2018, but information about its exact state of existence is hard to come by.

Iowa Sınıfı Savaş Gemileri

USS Wisconsin(BB-64)

(In-series: Two ships that in real life were canceled while partially complete, Illinois (BB-65) and Kentucky (BB-66), used to destroy Gaghiel in Episode 08. One more Iowa is seen when Eva-02 makes its final landing on the carrier. Iowas seen in Evangelion 3.0 and Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 belong in the section on "Extra Iowas" at the end of this page.)

The Iowa-class battleships were the last battleships built by the United States Navy, and the most technologically advanced battleships ever made, more powerful than all but the Japanese Yamato class. Originally planned as a class of six battleships, only four - Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri and Wisconsin - were built, with the other two, Illinois and Kentucky, scrapped while still incomplete, in 1945 and 1947 respectively. (Kentucky was to be a missile battleship if completed)[1].

The Iowas served as shore bombardment platforms like most US battleships of the period, and their high speed made them effective anti-aircraft escorts for aircraft carriers, being able to use all their secondary armament to throw up a dense curtain of fire against attacking aircraft as well as act as diversionary targets. The four ships were mothballed after World War II, brought back into action during the Korean War and then mothballed again. In 1968, New Jersey was briefly recommissioned and brought into the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, the class was recommissioned again under Ronald Reagan's 600-ship Navy initiative in the 1980's to fulfill the offshore bombardment role and provide a foil to the Kirov class "battlecruiser" with its very powerful missile armament. Part of the logic in activating them was that battleships had very thick belt armor and would be immune to sea-skimming missiles like the Exocet, which had gained notoriety during the Falklands War. (Whether large supersonic missiles like the Russian P-500 Bazalt or P-700 Granit would fare better is an unanswered question.)

They were heavily modernized and fitted out with electronic warfare systems, Phalanx CIWS, Harpoon anti-ship and Tomahawk cruise missiles. Missouri was used in Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the last wartime use of the Iowa-class. Decommissioned for good in the early 1990s, the last two Iowas were removed from the mothball fleet for good in 2006. All four are preserved in different locations in the United States as museum ships.

Ağır Havacılık Kruvazörü (Uçak Gemisi) Novorossiysk

(In series: Novorossiysk seen in the Episode 08 display next to the Truman, with the designation CV-010)

TAVKR Novorossiysk in 1986

Novorossiysk was the third of the Soviet/Russian Kiev-class aircraft carriers/aviation cruisers to be built under Project 1143. By western standards, it is a hybrid between a cruiser and an aircraft carrier, carrying a mixture of helicopters and fixed-wing VTOL aircraft plus very heavy missile armament. Designated Heavy Aviation Cruisers by the USSR like the later Kuznetsov class, these ships combined eight mighty P-700(SS-N-12 Sandbox in NATO terms) anti-ship missiles along with formidable anti-aircraft missiles and six-barrel point-defense cannons. Aircraft tend to take off vertically and land on the angled flight deck.

This ship was in service with the USSR and Russia from 1982 to 1993, decommissioned in 1993, and suffered a severe engine fire in 1995, resulting in its scrapping in 1997 in Pohang, South Korea. Ironically, this makes the Novorossiysk the only ship of the Kiev class that was already on its way out of existence before the series aired and would have ceased to exist well before the events of Second Impact in 2000 - putting any of the other three surviving ships of the Kiev class would have done just fine.

Ağır Havacılık Kruvazörü (Uçak Gemisi) Kuznetsov

(In series: Kuznetsov seen in a few shots, and appears to have taken damage from Gaghiel. Seen again in Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0 as one of the Aircraft Carriers in Wunder's support fleet.)

Admiral Kuznetsov was built under Russian Navy Project 1143.5, as a larger and far more capable follow-on to the Project 1143, or Kiev-class. Kuznetsov is designated an Aircraft Carrier in the west and a "Heavy Aviation Cruiser" by her builders in order to transition the straits of the Dardanelles. The ship combines an air wing of Su-33 fighters and Ka-27 antisubmarine helicopters with formidable point-defense six-barrel guns and a large missile arsenal, including twelve massive P-700 (SS-N-19) antiship missiles in vertical launchers under the ski-ramp, a battery of 192 Kinzhal antiaircraft missiles and point-defense missiles from the Kashtan PD systems. Western carriers of similar size tend to carry far more aircraft and less guns or missiles, and rely on aircraft for offense rather than defense like the Kuznetsov, making this ship's Russian designation credible - no nation with an interest in filing a diplomatic complaint about their classification has done so.

Unlike American carriers that use a steam catapult system to launch aircraft, the Kuznetsov allows aircraft to take off from a ski-ramp on the bow of the ship instead. This reduces the stress on the pilot and aircraft when compared to a catapult launch, but it places a limit on the weight of the aircraft during takeoff. The Su-33 can not take off from the ski-ramp with a full load of fuel and weapons, which restricts its range and forces it to use a light loadout of weapons (mostly air-to-air missiles). Despite these limitations, aircraft on the Kuznetsov can take off and land conventionally, unlike the previous Kiev class carriers which could only carry VTOL(Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft. Furthermore, the Kuznetsov's aircraft are used more as a defensive asset providing air cover for other Russian warships, unlike American aircraft carriers that are used offensively to destroy enemy aircraft, warships and ground forces.

At present, Kuznetsov is only operational carrier of the Russian Navy. In late 2012, Kuznetsov's incomplete sister vessel Varyag was completed by China as the Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier. As of the late 2010s- early 2020s Russia has plans to modernize Kuznetsov and equip it with steam catapults like western carriers and replace the old-fashioned steam engines with gas turbines or nuclear reactors, in addition to upgraded electronics and weaponry.

Slava Sınıfı CGN

(Seen in Evangelion 3.0). The "Slava" or Project 1164 Altant is a class of large guided missile cruiser, three of which were built for the Soviet Navy and all of which are in Russian service, albeit with the need for a major overhaul (also, one incomplete hull is still in Ukraine). These powerful vessels carry 16 Bazalt anti-ship missiles and 64 S-300PMU long-range surface to air missiles, in addition to defensive missiles and torpedo armament.

Hyuga Sınıfı DDH (Helikopter Muhribi)

(Seen in Evangelion 3.0) The Hyuga-class helicopter destroyer is actually a small helicopter carrier. Hyuga and her sister ship Ise are named and designated as destroyers so as to avoid violating the pacifistic principles of the Japanese constitution, which prohibits the construction of aircraft carriers, which are considered offensive units. The Hyuga-class and the even larger Izumo-class helicopter destroyers have been subject to significant political controversy due to their potential use as carriers for VTOL aircraft (USMC V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft have been operated off of these). In addition, the Hyuga and Ise were named after two World War Two battleships that were converted into battleship/carrier hybrids (one of which was the same Hyuga that Makoto Hyuga is named after), furthering the controversy surrounding these ships.

Controversies and politics aside, the Hyuga-class at present is indeed more of a defensive than an offensive unit. It is not configured to carry fixed-wing aircraft of any sort, and the position of the elevators would add further complications to flight deck operations were the operation of fixed-wing aircraft attempted. It is primarily designed for the anti-submarine role, and carries a complement of 11 helicopters in addition to defensive missile armament and Phalanx CIWS. Helicopters are stored below decks in a large internal hangar which is accessible using two elevators, fore and aft.

Oliver Hazard Perry class FFG

(In-series: Take the brunt of Gaghiel's attack in Episode 08. A number of them are shown burning or exploding.)

The Oliver Hazard Perry class were built in the 1970s and 80s as general-purpose escort vessels to replace a large number of aging World War II era destroyers, and take on a whole number of small roles. Built in two batches (One slightly longer than the other), these vessels are aging and now due for a major refit including a removal of obsolete offensive weaponry.

Nevertheless, the Perry class frigates have proven to be tough vessels for their size. In 1987, the frigate USS Stark was attacked, seemingly by mistake, by Iraqi Exocet anti-ship missiles and sustained severe damage, including the deaths of thirty-seven sailors, but survived. Barely a year later, USS Samuel B. Roberts was damaged by an Iranian mine, and ten severely wounded crewmen had to be taken off the ship. All Perry class frigates were decommissioned by 2015.

Hatsuyuki Sınıfı DD

(In-series: Take the brunt of Gaghiel's attack in Episode 08. A number of them are shown burning or exploding.)

The Hatsuyuki-class DD were a gas turbine powered class of destroyer with both anti-air and anti-submarine capabilities that entered JMSDF service in the early 1980s. Several have been converted to training vessels beginning in the 2010s.

Kongo Sınıfı DDG

(The Japanese Kongo-class DDG is seen in both Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0 and in Episode 08. Kongo herself is identified on-screen and one ship of her class has the bridge wrecked by Eva-02 "ship-hopping")

The Japanese Kongo-class DDG is an evolution of the American Arleigh-Burke class design, but with a significantly higher bridge structure to provide improved command facilities, along with construction differences, and different armament and electronics. It is one of the few non-American warships to carry the advanced American AEGIS fire-control system to target its weaponry.ō-class_destroyer

USS Ramage (Arleigh Burke Sınıfı DDG)

(In-series: Gun turret wrecked by Eva-02 when Asuka went "ship-hopping" in Episode 08.)

The USS Ramage is an Arleigh Burke class Destroyer of the United States Navy, commissioned in 1995 - incidentally making it one of the newest US ships in existence at the time Evangelion was in production. It, along with the other Arleigh Burke class vessels, is one of the largest and most powerful destroyers ever made, built entirely of steel(except for an aluminum mast) to reduce the damage done by antiship missile strikes. Rammage and her sisters have an air-filtration system against nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, the first US ships to use one.

USS Ticonderoga (Ticonderoga Sınıfı CG)

(In-series: Gun turret and bow missile launcher wrecked by Eva-02 when Asuka went "ship-hopping" in Episode 08.)

The USS Ticonderoga was one of the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers, commissioned in 1980. The first ship to mount the Aegis combat system, the Ticonderoga-class were built on the modified hull and gas turbine propulsion systems of the Spruance-class destroyer, unlike the nuclear and steam-powered cruisers that had preceded them. Ticonderoga and four sister ships were retired in 2004 because of their obsolete missile systems, while newer build Ticonderogas with their far more versatile vertical launch systems continue to serve into the 21st century.

Tachikaze Sınıfı DDG

(In-series: One seen prominently while missiles are being shot at Gaghiel in Episode 08, with the bow of a second in-frame. One of the two ship models in Episode 25' appears to be that of a Tachikaze.) A JMSDF missile destroyer that first came into service in the late 1970s. Utilized steam propulsion rather than gas turbines.

JMSDF Shirane

JMSDF Kurama, sister of Shirane

Helicopter-carrying destroyer (DDH), used primarily in the Anti-Submarine role. Seen in Evangelion 3.0 as part of the support fleet for the AAA Wunder.

Sovremenniy Sınıfı DDG

Sovremenniy class

A powerful and highly capable class of Russian destroyer, used for Anti-Ship, Anti-Air and Anti-Submarine duties. Seen in Evangelion 3.0 as part of the Wunder's support fleet. These ships were originally supposed to have gas turbine propulsion but centralized restrictions on naval gas turbine propulsion resulted in them being built with somewhat smoky high-pressure steam powerplants - this doesn't seem to have hurt them at all, though.

Udaloy Sınıfı DDG

Udaloy class

A Russian Anti-Submarine Destroyer. Seen as part of Wunder's support fleet in Evangelion 3.0. One is seen in Episode 19 where it is present for the Zeruel battle but doesn't seem to take part in it, and serves as one of the models for the vessel that Eva-02 throws during Episode 25' of the End of Evangelion. Plenty of the Udaloy and the more advanced Udaloy-II destroyers are in service with Russia at present.

Ohio Sınıfı Filo Balistik Füze Denizaltısı

USS Alabama

Seen in Wunder's support fleet in Evangelion 3.0. American Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine. Quiet, hard to detect, and able to let loose the apocalypse. Carries 24 Trident ballistic missiles, each with 12 Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs), for a total of 288(!) nuclear warheads. The first four have been converted to Guided Missile Submarines carrying 168 Tomahawk cruise missiles each, so as to rain conventional munitions instead.

Seawolf-Sınıfı Saldırı Denizaltısı

USS Seawolf

Seen in Wunder's support fleet in Evangelion 3.0. A highly advanced American attack submarine. Very quiet, very large, and equipped with a very expensive and powerful sonar suite. Only three were built due to sheer cost and the collapse of the Soviet Union eliminated the threat of high-speed, deep-diving Russian submarines that the Seawolf was meant to go up against. Followed by the (marginally) cheaper Virginia class attack submarine.

Animedeki Diğer Savaş Gemileri

This includes naval vessels that are present in the show under odd circumstances, such as fictional equivalents of real-life vessels.

DDG-099 Farragut

(In-series: Gendo transmits from this vessel, off screen, at the end of Episode 12. Unlike the other warships seen in Neon Genesis Evangelion, it didn't exist at the time the show was made.)

Farragut is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer of the US Navy, the 49th ship of the Arleigh Burke class. It was laid down on January 9, 2004 and christened on July 23, 2005, and commissioned on June 10, 2006. Since this vessel didn't come into existence until a good decade after the show aired, the DDG-099 that Gendo transmits from could be interpreted as a fictitious version of the Farragut.

Ekstra Iowalar

Five unidentified Iowa-class battleships, all in pre-refit condition, are seen again in Evangelion 3.0 as part of the support fleet for the AAA Wunder. Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 suggests that naval history in the movies diverges even further from that in real life since it features eight Iowa class battleships at Paris, and trying to identify individual vessels in 3.0 + 1.0 is impossible because some of the battleships are bizarrely in 1940s configurations with seaplane catapults and a full set of guns, others in their 1980s reconstructions with Tomahawk missile launchers.

In reality, there were only ever meant to be six Iowa-class battleships built before construction was meant to shift to the planned Montana-class battleships. Four of them -Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri and Wisconsin- were completed, served in World War II and were heavily upgraded in the 1980s(the upgraded Iowas appear to have been accurately depicted) plus two, Illinois and Kentucky that had their construction delayed, were left incomplete and scrapped in the late 1940s after any plans for converting them fell through. Additional Iowas were never built and construction on the planned Montana-class battleships never even began due to the US need for carriers during the Second World War and the lack of any further need for new battleships well before the war ended. This makes the extra Iowas seen in 3.0 and 3.0 + 1.0 entirely fictitious and without any sort of basis in reality, unlike the Illinois and Kentucky from Episode 08 which physically existed even if they were scrapped before they could see service.

Nerv Savaş Gemileri

Nerv keeps a destroyer stationed in the lake in the Geofront, and what looks like a small frigate or patrol vessel in the lake of LCL in Terminal Dogma. It is unclear whether these are meant to be real-life warships. Neither of them are shown taking part in Angel battles or other events for which they are actually in physical proximity, and it is even less clear how Nerv managed to bring them so far underground in the first place.

In Episode 19, the destroyer present in the Geofront lake is clearly an Udaloy, and in Episode 25', Asuka in Eva-02 lifts and throws a destroyer with clear "NERV" markings out of the Geofront lake and onto the attacking JSSDF forces. There are two ship models used in Episode 25' - the initial model seen in the wide shot when Eva-02 generates the cross-shaped explosion appears to be modeled off a Japanese Tachikaze-class destroyer. But when the same ship is lifted and thrown it clearly appears to be modeled off of a Russian Udaloy-class destroyer as in Episode 19 (a larger vessel with a visibly different profile). The Udaloy-class is a major surface combatant with a displacement of approximately 7000 tons and the Tachikaze-class destroyer, although smaller, displaces nearly 4000 tons, so whatever the warship is meant to be, it raises questions about how Nerv brought something so massive so deep underground, and for what purpose.