Angel-Sealing Hex Glyphs

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Angel-sealing Hex Glyphs

"Angel-sealing Hex Glyphs" from the Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection

Angel-sealing Hex Glyphs (使徒封印用呪詛文様, shito fuuin'you mon'yoo)[1] are symbols that appear throughout Rebuild of Evangelion.

The glyphs have been observed in several locations including:

  • On the floor of Bethany Base Control Room
  • On Rei II's LCL tank in the Mysterious Underground Facility (Specialized for Rei Ayanami)
  • On the walls behind Rei and Mari in the Preview for Evangelion Q
  • On Eva-01's satellite during Operation US
  • On the DSS Choker itself and on the graphic explaining it
  • In the glow of Asuka's eyepatch
  • In the new logo of NERV in 3.0
  • In Eva-13's interface graphics.
  • On the Sealing Pillars (See below)


A similar set of designs seen in Nadia

The glyphs have no universally accepted meaning. A sequence of what may be latin alphabet translations appears during the 3D display of the DSS Choker[2] It also appears that the glyphs often need to be rotated to be properly read[3].

It has also been suggested that the Glyphs represent piano keys, and that they play one of the piano sequences heard in the film[4]. However, it should be noted that strange piano tunes can be generated from quite unrealted sequences.

The designs are credited to Anno himself[5]. The glyphs appear similar to a set of designs seen in Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, an earlier anime by Gainax, directed by Anno[6].

Various occurances of the Glyphs
On a floor in Bethany Base
On Rei II's tank in Evangelion 2.0
A close up of the symbols on the tank
In the purple room seen in the Q Preview
On the satellite during Operation US
On the DSS Choker
Seen in Asuka's Glowing Eyepatch
In one of Eva-13's readouts
DSS Choker glyphs appearing through Kaworu's plugsuit collar

Angel-sealing Hex Pillars

Angel-sealing Hex Pillars (使徒封印用呪詛柱, shito fuuin'you jusochuu)[7] are devices covered in these glyphs and presumably used in the control and suppression of Angels, Angel-contaminated individuals, and unstable Eva units.

The devices are always used in multiple, placed in circular formation around the individual to be contained. Thei black surface is covered by dark grey glyphs that light up with red in a specific patterns that circles the pillar. Nothing has thus far been revealed about how the pillars work or regarding the nature of the glyphs.

The pillars have been observed on the rooftop and underground of Bethany Base, around the containment chamber of Asuka Shikinami Langley following contamination by the 9th Angel, and surrounding Evangelion Unit-01 following Near Third Impact in the Q preview. They are also observed in Evangelion 3.0 inside Wille's containement chamber where Shinji first wakes, and one is also shown being transport by Wille's fleet.

Angel-sealing Hex Pillars
Pillars sealing off a shaft in Bethany Base
Pillars at Bethany Base.
Close-up of pillar; note runes on individual tiles.
Pillars in Asuka's containment chamber.
Eva-01 speared and surrounded following Near Third Impact.
The pillars visible around Shinji in Wille's containment chamber
A large pillar visible on one of Wille's support vessels

Notes and References

Forum thread on the glyphs

  1. Official name (in Japanese only) provided by Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection. Translation is tentative and subject to change if Khara's in-house translators provide an official English rendition.
  2. Forum Thread on the glyphs The gylphs as letters.
  3. Forum Thread on the glyphs The need for rotating to recognise the glyphs.
  4. Forum Thread on the glyphs The gylphs as piano notes
  5. Forum Thread on the glyphs Designs credited to Anno
  6. Forum Thread on the gylphs A similar design seen in Nadia.
  7. Official name (in Japanese only) provided by Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection. Translation is tentative and subject to change if Khara's in-house translators provide an official English rendition.